  • 學位論文


The Research on Human Resource Flexibility Strategy, Organizational Performance, and Organizational Commitment - The Taiwan Steel Industries as Empirical Samples

指導教授 : 諸承明 博士


在全球化的競爭下,隨著環境的瞬息及詭譎多變,國內鋼鐵產業的經營環境對內對外都面臨許多的考驗,對外包括:反傾銷的控訴、產業結構失衡等問題,對內則面臨員工老化、人力斷層之隱憂,如何提高產業競爭力為當前重要課題。優勢競爭力人力資源是關鍵,因此本研究旨在探討鋼鐵業人力資源彈性策略運用及與組織績效、組織承諾之關聯性。 本研究以國內鋼鐵業為研究對象,採用問卷調查的方式,共寄發108家鋼鐵公司,每家包括一份公司版問卷,三份員工版問卷,共發出108份公司版問卷,324份員工版問卷,其中公司版有效回收樣本68份,有效回收率為62.96%,員工版問卷有效回收樣本166份,有效回收率為51.23%。 根據研究的結果,有以下幾點發現: 1. 人力資源彈性策略與組織績效有顯著之關聯性,職能彈性策略、薪資彈性策略與主觀績效皆具有顯著正相關。 2. 組織特性與人力資源彈性策略有顯著之關聯性。資本額、營業收入、員工人數及有否獨立人資部門皆會對組織人力資源彈性策略部份項目的運用有顯著差異存在。 3. 資本額與職能彈性策略之交互效應對組織績效具有顯著的關聯性,當資本額大,職能彈性策略的運用彈性度愈高時,組織績效表現愈好。 4. 人力資源彈性策略與組織承諾有顯著之關聯性,職能彈性策略、薪資彈性策略對組織承諾皆具有顯著正相關。 5. 員工年齡、員工服務年資對組織承諾皆具有顯著之關聯性,員工年齡愈高、服務年資愈長,組織承諾度愈高。 6. 年齡與時間彈性策略之交互作用會對組織承諾產生顯著關聯性,時間彈性策略對年齡長者其組織承諾度有較大之影響力;有無他公司就業經驗與薪資彈性策略的交互作用,會對組織承諾產生顯著的干擾效果。 據此,本研究對國內鋼鐵業提出以下幾點建議: 1. 建議各公司應依組織發展需要,事先規劃並培養組織發展所需要的專業技能及人才,透過系統性的教育訓練或其他學習機會規劃以提高職能彈性之運用。 2. 應重視薪資制度及薪資結構對組織及員工之影響,適度改變薪資給付依據,增加薪資與員工績效表現及員工的技能的鏈結程度並提高其彈性比例,此外也應積極考慮將薪資與公司策略目標做聯結,以激勵員工的工作動機,提升組織績效及員工組織承諾。 3. 應重視人力結構所隱含之問題並預先妥善規劃及因應,尤其應重視並善用中高年齡層及久任員工的優點,藉其高組織承諾的表現,協助組織做好經驗傳承,以利企業的永續發展。 4. 重視人力資源部門的功能,將人力資源的職能從作業性、行政性事務中解放出來,轉而從事更多策略性人力資源管理的工作,讓人力資源的運用更具彈性並符合企業發展需要。 5. 重視並因應未來市場勞動彈性化趨勢考量適度運用外圍勞動力(聘僱臨時工、契約性員工、派遣員工)來調整因應季節、景氣或業務量突然之變化所需人力,以節省人事成本並提高組織人力運用上的彈性。


Under the globalization competition and Cangeable environment, the management environment of the Taiwan steel industry is facing many trials both internally and externally, this like: anti-dumping complaint, industrial structure unbalance; that like: aging employees, manpower fault, and so on. Enhancing the industry competence is hence the most important issue at this very moment. The key point for this issue mentioned is human resource with superior competence. This research will be focusing on the investigation of the connection between the flexibility strategy utilization of human resource, organizational performance and organizational commitment. The research takes the Taiwan steel industry as the studying object, by way of questionnaire surveying 108 steel companies on the island, each of which with one copy of company questionnaire and three copies of staff questionnaires. The questionnaires retrieved are 68/108 of company edition (returns-ratio 62.96%) and 166/324 of staff edition (returns-ratio 51.23%). According to the study, the results are shown as follows, 1. There is apparent relation between the human resources flexibility strategy and the organizational performance. And obvious connection is found between the functional flexibility strategy, the wage flexibility strategy and the subjective performance. 2. The organizational characteristics and the human resources flexibility strategy has revealed the connection. The organizational human resource flexibility strategies are deeply influenced by the capital volume, the business income, the staff population and independent human resource. 3. The interaction between the capital volume and the function flexibility strategy has reveals the connection to the organizational performance. The more capital volume and function flexibility strategy utilization elasticity one company has, the better organizational performance the company achieves. 4. There is obvious connection between the human resources flexibility strategy and the organizational commitment. The functional flexibility strategy and the wage flexibility strategy play important parts in the organizational commitment. 5. The staff’s age and serving duration affects the organization commitment a lot; the elder of the staff, the longer of the serving duration and the higher of the organization commitment. 6. The interaction between age and the time flexibility strategy reveals obvious connection on the organization commitment. The time flexibility strategy affects much on the older staff with organization commitment. The interaction between employment experiences of other companies and the salary flexibility strategy is correlated to the organization commitment. According to the results revealed above, the research suggests the followings to Taiwan steel industry: 1. A company should, according to the need of the organizational development, build up professional skills required and train qualified personnel in advance, enhance the function elasticity through systematic education and training opportunities. 2. A company should value the influence of salary system and salary structure over the organization and the staff. To drive staff’s motive for work, improve organization achievements and staff organization commitment by appropriately adjusting the salary basis, increasing the flexibility and connection between salaries, the staff performances and staff's skills. In addition, salary should attach to the company strategy to drive the staff to work, improve organization achievements and staff organization commitments. 3. The problem concealing in manpower structure should be valued and properly planed in advance. The merits of middle-high-aged and old employees should be highly respected. To pass on experience and technical skill by use of their high organization commitments to help the firm forever developing. 4. To value the function of human resource department. To utilize manpower with flexibility to meet company development by releasing human resource from operating and administrating affairs to strategic management. 5. Pay attention to the trend of the market of labor flexibility in the future by appropriately utilizing the peripheral workforce (i.e. interim workers, agreement staff, and dispatching employment ) in conformity with seasons, prosperity, or unexpected booming of sales to save the personnel cost and improve organizational manpower utility.


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