  • 學位論文


Key success factor to material preparation process in material management—using personal computer board factory as an example

指導教授 : 胡宜中


摘要 隨著全球市場環境的變化與市場競爭因素的衝擊,產品交期速度已經成了企業競爭致勝的關鍵,若能作出符合客戶需求的商品、縮短客戶要求的交貨期限、達到更好的產品品質與客戶服務,就能在全球市場環境佔有一席之地。 有鑒於印刷電路板廠現今必須即時反應需求,而個別的產品需求會交互影響各項原料的需求量,可能會發生錯估的現象,使得生產線停工待料或是原物料庫存過多的情形,因此找出影響作業面的備料作業關鍵成功因素,實為刻不容緩的研究課題,希望能夠提供決策者在進行物料備料時,完整思維的參考。 本研究目的在對國內印刷電路板廠於備料作業時,提供具體可行的建議,使業者易於掌握其關鍵成功因素以達事半功倍之效益,同時高階主管對備料作業給予高度的重視及必要的協助。本文之貢獻乃是能提供給印刷電路板廠的經營者在本身資源有限之前提下,做最有效的資源配置與投入時程,以增加備料作業的成效。 依據國內外專家學者的理論基礎及相關論文文獻,再加上產業本身特性後,彙總出生產管理、客戶需求、物料管理、高階主管的支持等四個層面,推展出七個相關準則,據以構建一個分析模型架構,再以此關鍵因素為問卷設計的主要內容,並以印刷電路板廠中營收排名前30大中的20家廠商為主,發出60份問卷,回收有效問卷計有48份,有效回收率為80%,再利用層級分析程序法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 來訂定各項因素的權重值,以了解承辦人員、中階主管及高階主管三個群體在評估層面或評估準則的重視度及其異同處。 研究結果發現填答者對本研究所選取的關鍵因素,依整體而言在構面及準則中其最重要的分別為「高階主管的支持」與「庫存水準」。其次本研究也針對備料作業中的關鍵因素進行「整體群體共識度」與「個別群體共識度」之間的分析。從構面觀點而言,不論整體群體或個別群體,「高階主管的支持」的共識度皆排名第一,顯示一致認同備料作業必須要先獲得高階主管的支持才會事半功倍。從準則觀點而言,高階主管在「庫存水準」的共識度相較於承辦人員與中階主管而言較不一致,究其原因為庫存若提高就等於流動資產增加,一般高階主管皆背負公司的盈虧,因此在備料作業時是否願意提高庫存水準,就相當分歧與具有爭議;其也顯示各群體所處地位及面對事物處理之角度看法有差異。至於權重排名居中而共識度相當高的「需求預測」,則建議為印刷電路板廠商未來應多加考量的方向。


ABSTRACT Due to the global market environmental variety and the impact coming from the market competition, the expected product hand over has already become the critical factor for an enterprise. In order to occupy a place in the global market, the merchandise must meet customers' demands and the deliver period of goods should be shortened. Furthermore, the product quality and the customer service should be carefully concerned. Since the PC board factory has to be responded a need immediately at present, and the demands of raw materials of various products can be influenced with each other, it is possible that the production line lockout treat or the original material overstock can take place resulting from the misestimate of demands of different materials. Thus, a really urgent research topic is exactly to discover the key success factors to material preparation process. This thesis aims to provide concrete analysis and viable suggestions that are helpful for the materials preparation process in domestic PC board factories. On one hand, it could be easy for the operator to control its key success factor to attain the benefit of the half effort and double results; on the other hand, the executive could pay more attention and give necessary help to the materials preparation process. The primary contribution of this thesis is to provide key success factors in the material preparation process to the PC board factories such that the limited resources and timing in usage can be effectively planed. The performance could be thus effectively improved. Through the citation of the related theories proposed by domestic or international scholars, adequate amounts of journal or conference papers, and considering the industry characteristic of the PC board, a hierarchy consisting of four aspects including production management, customers’ demand, material management, support from top executive, and seven criteria is established. Using this hierarchy, a questionnaire of the well-known Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is designed. Actually, 60 questionnaires are sent to 20 primary PC board manufacturers, and 48 valid questionnaires are received. Also, the respondents are clustered to three different groups, including the top executives, middle executives and undertakers, and the AHP is employed to analyze the perceived key success factors to the material preparation process for each group. From the overall analysis, the most important factors in the aspects and the criteria are “support from top executives” and “the stock level”, respectively. Apparently, the success of the material preparation process is primarily dependent on the support from top executives. Next, the consensus of whole community and individual community are performed for each of aspects and criteria. In particular, In the analysis of the consensus of the whole community and the individual community, “support from top executives” has high degree of consensus. This indicates that three groups agree to that “support from top executive” is the most important aspect. However, in comparison with the middle executives and undertakers, a low degree of consensus in “the stock level” is obtained for the top executives. This is because individual top executives have their special consideration and viewpoint in the material preparation process. As for the “demand forecasting”, the degree of important is middle but the degree of consensus is high. We think that it is worth to pay more attention on the “demand forecasting” in order to further improve the performance of the material preparation process.




