  • 學位論文

台灣醫藥生技公司透過異業合作策 略推動產品行銷之研究 -以A醫藥生技公司為例

A Research on Product Marketing Campaign by Inter-Business Strategic Alliances- A Quasi Experimental Design of Taiwan Pharmaceutical and Biotechnolgical Business’ Campaign

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


摘要 隨著目前全民健保的施行和相關藥政措施的陸續推行,及高齡化社會的來臨,對於醫療保健用品之需求增加,國內藥廠在未來消費市場上,仍有很大的成長空間。尤其已有部分醫藥生技產業為推動企業成效開始透過媒體廣告效益促使產品、市場佔有率及通路配銷來達成績效;然而醫藥生技產業與其他產業不同,因產品多為用於人體醫療及保健素求為生產前提,經費使用應著重於研究開發、物理化學性狀研究、藥理測試、安全性測試、人體臨床試驗(分三階段)等費用,台灣醫藥生技如需堅持品質與業績,透過異業合作策略推動產品行銷應有其可行性。 基於以上所述,希望本研究找出能在不提高媒體廣告行銷成本之架構中,達到行銷醫藥生技產品最高營收成效的方式。 本研究綜合準實驗設計(Quasi Experimental Design)及現場實驗(Field Experiment)原則,配合實況進行設計。其研究設計分實驗組及對照組,以事前及事後測量之實驗方式,並利用高、中、低三種價格策略,嘗試探討在「結盟合作」、「付費簽約」、「傳統方式」三種模式所產生之業績狀況。以立意抽樣(Purposive Sampling)進行現場實驗;並依照廠商序號且同時有銷售實驗中設定之三種產品,執行實驗期間為民國93年10月1日至94年5月31日,現場實驗分北、中、南三區並分事前及事後二階段,以及高、中、低三種價位各執行三個月。 研究結論: 本研究之理論是與媒體業者以結盟合作方式為基礎,對不同產品價位進行分析,以達成本研究之目地。綜合研究結果,相關結論綜合如下: 一、 有關以傳統方式就不同區域「產品價位」在事前測量之研究發現- 1. 高價位產品,南區業績表現優於中區,中區優於北區。 2. 中價位產品推廣則以北區表現優於南區,南區優於中區。 3. 低價位產品,中區高於南區,南區優於北區。 二、 有關就不同「產品價位」在以「結盟合作」、「傳統方式」、「付費簽約」方式事後測量之研究發現- 1 推廣高價位產品方面, 「傳統方式」優於「結盟合作」;「結盟合作」優於「付費簽約」。 2 推廣中價位產品方面, 「結盟合作」優於「付費簽約」;「付費簽約」優於「傳統方式」。 3 推廣低價位產品方面, 「結盟合作」優於「付費簽約」;「付費簽約」優於「傳統方式」。 三、 「結盟合作」推動產品行銷,應注意操作規模,在合作時如通路規模無法擴大時,反而造成運作成本增加而使得效益無法達成。 由本研究之研究結果,可提供政府在產業政策、企業未來之發展規劃與後續相關研究之參考。


Abstract Due to the current implementation of civil health insurance, the continuous related medical policy enforcements and the aging population, the demand for medical care appliances is increasing and domestic pharmaceutical factories have a large growing potential in the consumer market. In order to achieve business success, the biopharmaceutical industry has started using media advertising to benefit their products, market share and distribution channels. Nevertheless, medical and biotechnological industries differ from their biopharmaceutical counterparts, since their products use treatment and health protection as prerequisites. Budget expenditures are emphasized on research and development, physical and chemical characteristic studies, pharmacology tests, safety tests, human body clinical examinations (divided into three stages) and other such expenditures. For insisting on quality and business achievement, Taiwan biopharmaceutical may evaluate the feasibility of promoting product marketing through cooperative strategies among different industries. This study plans to to find highly beneficial business methods that provide the highest turnover with respect to selling medical biotechnology products without increasing the cost for media commercial marketing. This research synthesized the principles of the Quasi Experimental Design and the Field Experiment and used an actual conditioned model in order to illustrate the design in question. It tested the set and matched controls separately with ex-ante and ex-post observations. It also made use of “high”, “medium” and “low” pricing strategies in combination with three different business models, namely “Allianced Cooperation”, “Paid Contract”, “Traditional Method”. Experimental samples were drawn (the Purposive Sampling) to carry on the field experiment according to the purpose defined and also according to the manufacturer's ordinal number with three different kinds of products (which correspond to the different business models). The period of the performance experiment started from October 1st 2004 and ended at May 31, 2005. The experiment took place in three regions, the Northern, Middle and Southern areas of Taiwan. It was also divided into two stages (the ex-ante and ex-post) and used three different pricing strategies (high, medium and low) with each strategy being used over a three-month period. Research Summary: The theory of this study is to examine the benefits of forming alliances with media businesses while using different pricing methods to reach studies goal. After integrating the research results, the research findings are as follow: 四、 The findings with respect to the “Product Price” pre-experimental measurements in the different regions while using the “Traditional Method” business method concludes: 4. For products with high price, the sales performance of the performance of southern region is better than the middle region, followed by northern region. 5. As to promoting products with a middle price, the sales performance of the northern region performs better than the southern region, meanwhile the southern region is superior to the middle region. 6. For products with a low price, the sales performance of the middle region is higher than southern region, while southern region is superior to northern region. 五、 The post-experimental “Product Price” measurements regarding the three different business models “Allianced Cooperation”, “Traditional Method” concludes the following: (1) In respect to promoting products with a high price, the business model of “Traditional Method” is better than that of “Allianced Cooperation” while “Allianced Cooperation” is superior to that of “Paid Contract”. (2) In respect to promoting products with a middle price, the business model of “Allianced Cooperation” is better than that of “Paid Contract” while “Paid Contract” is superior to that of “Traditional Method”. (3) In respect to promoting products with a low price, the business model of “Allianced Cooperation” is better than that of “Paid Contract” while “Paid Contract” is superior to that of “Traditional Method”. 六、 The distribution channels must be monitored while using the “Allianced Cooperation” model to promote product selling. It is possible that this model can increase operational costs and hinder any beneficial gains if the scale of the distribution channels cannot expand from the cooperation. According to these research findings and results, the author hopes to give some suggestions and references to governmental industrial policy, businesses’ future planning, as well as further research.


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