  • 學位論文


Influence the key factor of the execution in the weapon system research and development project

指導教授 : 胡宜中


摘要 研究發展是科學知識產生與促進技術進步的重要來源,更是強化企業競爭力的基石,企業間由於競爭日趨激烈,故常以積極投入研究發展以增加競爭力,更快速的將研發成果運用於產品與服務中,以創造最大獲利機會,而研發資源分配成為企業在進行研究發展之前,所必須面對的問題。 在公部門之國防科技研發機構負有國家安全與經濟發展重要任務,但近十年來,由於軍備大國軍火商的市場萎縮,急欲擴展海外市場,使得我國武器獲得的管道增加、獲得也變得更容易,因此,國防科技研發機構在面臨外部競爭環境及內部國防預算不足的挑戰下,如何運用有限的資源做到高性能、低成本、快速上市且具備智慧型功能(Cheap、Better、Fast、Smart)的自主性國防武器系統,是國防科技研發機構需面對之重要課題,因此找出影響武器系統研發專案整體及各階段之關鍵因素為何,更值得深入探討;本文研究目的為建構一整體性研發專案關鍵因素分析之架構,針對各項因素於武器系統研發專案整體及階段性(概可分為概念設計、展示確認、工程發展等三階段)影響權重與各項因素排序進行分析,並針對其管理上之意義,予以分析及研究,供管理者決策評估及資源分配之參考。 依據國內外專家學者的理論基礎及相關論文文獻,再加上武器系統研發本身特性後,彙總出組織因素、技術因素、資源因素及外部因素等四個層面,推展出十七個相關準則,據以構建一個分析模型架構,再以此關鍵因素為問卷設計的主要內容,並以從事國防武器系統研發工作及於一般大學與軍事院校任教之專家學者為群體,再利用層級分析程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process ; AHP)來訂定決策過程中的各衡量因素權重值。 研究結果發現整體填答者對本研究所選取的關鍵因素,依重要性排序其前二項分別為「高階主管支持」與「顧客需求」。在概念設計階段依重要性排序其前二項分別為「技術能力」與「與組織目標關聯性」。在展示確認階段依重要性排序其前二項分別為「高階主管支持」與「人力資源」。在工程發展階段依重要性排序其前二項分別為「財務資源」與「顧客需求」;本研究中發現「技術能力」在武器系統研發各階段中均為主要影響因素,其原因主要為目前部分武器系統由於受限於採購限制,無法由外購獲得,因此在研發這些武器系統時,由於關鍵技術無法由外部獲得狀況下,技術能力可視為最關鍵之因素,另「顧客需求」因素在影響因素中亦占極大之權重,其原因主要是中科院研發之各項武器系統主要提供三軍需求單位使用,在近年來武器系統獲得來源已較廣泛後,由以往「有什麼,打什麼」的觀念,漸漸轉向「打什麼,有什麼」以顧客需求為導向之研發政策,因此顧客需求已視為重要的關鍵因素。


Abstract Research and development(R/D)is the major resource for generating scientific knowledge and promoting the progress of technology; it’s also the foundation for enhancing the competition of enterprise. By the radical competition the enterprises are facing, they aggressively invest more research and development to increase their competitive capability. Even, they apply such achievement on product and service to create most profit margins. Nevertheless, the distribution of research and development resource had been recognized a crucial problem before enterprise starting research and development projects. The Offical Defense R/D institute is in charge the mission of national security and economic growth. Yet, the passing ten years, the withering of famous oversea defense company and their harsh need for expanding the foreign market which all together make the acquisition and channel of weapon system easily and much more than ever. Thus, the defense R/D institute have to know how to innovate high performance, low cost, fast deploy and intelligent function (cheap、better、fast、smart) under the circumstance of limited resource, external competition and insufficient defense budget. That is the institute’s important topic. To spot the key factors that affects the weapon system R/D project need further study. This paper is to construct an integrated analysis of the key factor of R/D project. Aiming the weighting coefficient and key factors of project itself and it is individual phase to make ranking. More, by the definition of management, given the analysis and study, provide the decision maker the reference for decision evaluation and resource distribution. According to the theoretical basis and published paper of experts from domestic and oversea; put the characteristics of weapon system development. Herein we summarize the organization factors, technology factors, resource factors and exterior factors as fundamental level. Then, these levels evolve into 17 related criteria for constructing an analytic model. We design query sets by the above factors and designate the expertise in defense R/D, general university and military educational school as group. Finally, we choose Analytic Hierarchy Process to decide the weighting coefficient of decision process. The result of research comes up with conclusion that the top two ranking factors are high level manager support and customer requirement. In conceptual design phase the priority of the fist two items is technology capability and the correlation with organizational goal. In demonstration and validation phase the priority of the fist two items is high-level manager support and human resource. In engineer development phase the priority of the fist two items are financial resource and customer requirement. In this research, we found the technology capability is the major factor in every phase. The reason is part of the weapon is limited by export license. In situation key technology cannot be acquired, so technology is regarded as most crucial factor. The other hand, the customer requirement takes much shares of the weighting. The reason is that the CSIST’S main customers are armed forces. Recently, weapon source is widely open; the idea of” fight with what you own” had changed to “fight with what you need”. That is a customer-oriented development policy. Thus, the customer requirement had been regarded an important factor.


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