  • 學位論文


The impact of female adolescence's sexual reasoning, percetpions of parent-child communication and mother's and peers' sexual attitude on their sexual attitude

指導教授 : 王琳


摘 要 我國傳統社會對於女子的「性」多有約束,隨著時代的變遷,青少女對於性的態度也逐漸有了轉變。在今日社會,究竟是什麼因素影響了青少女而使得她們的性態度呈現出多元性,是本研究想要了解的。個體的行為態度會受到認知的影響,本研究將探討青少女對性的認知推論與其性態度間的關係,同時也將探討青少女性認知推論之影響因素。此外,母親是青少女成長過程中主要的照顧者,母親本身的性態度是否影響著青少女?又是否會透過不同的親子溝通方式而使得青少女性態度呈現出差異,也將在本研究中加以探討。最後,同儕是青春期個體重要的認同對象,同儕在青少女的性態度扮演著什麼樣的角色,也將是本研究探究的方向。本研究之受試者為高中職二年級女生957人,以問卷為研究工具探討其間的關係。問卷包括「親子溝通量表」、「青少女性態度量表」、「性認知推論量表」、「知覺母親性態度量表」與「知覺同儕性態度量表」。 研究結果顯示,整體而言,現代青少女的性態度傾向保守,青少女性態度會受到性認知推論的影響。當青少女傾向使用道德向度作為性的行為準則時,相較於傾向使用個人向度為準則者,其性態度較為保守;而青少女傾向使用社會慣例向度作為行為準則時,若知覺同儕的性態度開放,其性態度亦開放;若知覺同儕的性態度保守,則青少女的性態度亦傾向保守。性認知推論影響著青少女的性態度,然而,個體的性認知推論亦受一些因素影響。青少女知覺到母親和同儕性態度的程度均低時,會傾向使用個人向度作為性的行為準則。不同的親子溝通方式也會影響青少女的性認知推論;當親子採開放式溝通時,青少女傾向使用道德向度作為性的行為準則依據,而採問題式溝通時,則傾向使用個人或道德向度作為行為準則。此外,親子溝通方式也影響青少女的性態度。當親子採開放式溝通時,青少女的性態度較採問題式溝通者來得保守;本研究進一步地發現,親子採開放式溝通與青少女傾向保守的性態度間之關係,是受到道德認知推論向度的中介影響。青少女的性態度除了受自身的認知推論及與母親溝通方式的影響外,還直接受到母親及同儕性態度的影響。親子採開放式溝通時,青少女知覺母親的性態度開放,其性態度也傾向開放;知覺母親的性態度保守,其性態度亦傾向保守。青少女知覺同儕的性態度開放,其性態度也傾向開放;知覺同儕的性態度保守,其性態度亦傾向保守。


Abstract Chinese culture is very conservative on the female’s sexual attitude. However, as time passed, the sexual attitude of female adolescence(FA)has changed. The purpose of this research is trying to find out the factors which influence FA’s sexual attitude. The relationships between FA’s sexual reasoning and their sexual attitudes were examined. This research will further examine the factors which influence FA’s sexual reasoning. Mother is one of the major social agencies of FA. This research wants to find out how mother’s sexual attitude influence on her daughter’s sexual attitude. We hypothesis that different style of parent-child communications play an important role in mothering affect to her daughter’s sexual attitude. Peers’ role on FA’s sexual attitude is also considered. Nine hundred and fifty seven second grade female students from senior high school and vocational school were tested. Several measurements were collected by parent-child communication scale, female adolescence’s sexual attitude scale, sexual reasoning scale, perception of mothers’ sexual attitude scale and perception of peers’ sexual attitude scale. The results show that FA’s sexual attitude tends to be conservative. FA’s sexual reasoning has influence on her sexual attitude. FA who takes moral domain as her first choice tends to have more conservative sexual attitude than those who prefer personal domain. FA prefers social conventional domain has similar sexual attitude with peers’ sexual attitude. Factors that influence on FA’s sexual reasoning were examined. The degree of perceiving mother’s and peers’ sexual attitudes will influence FA’s sexual reasoning. The communication style between mother and daughter is another factor which influences FA’s sexual reasoning. When FA and her mother communicate openly, FA prefers moral domain as reasoning principle. When they communicate negatively, FA prefers personal or moral domain as reasoning principle. FA and her mother’s communication style also influence on FA’s sexual attitude. When FA and her mother communicate openly, compare to negative communication, FA tends to have more conservative sexual attitude. This research further evidence that opened communication style influence FA’s conservative sexual attitude is moderated by moral domain reasoning. Finally, when FA and her mother communicate openly, daughter’s sexual attitude is similar to her mother’s. Consider about peers’ influence, FA’s sexual attitude is positive related to peer’s.


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