  • 學位論文


The Comparison of Time Extension Activities Claimed for General Condition between Taiwan and FIDIC

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


工期展延為工程爭議最棘手的問題,無論國內外皆然。在我國政府加入政府採購協定(Government Procurement Agreement)之後,如何改進我國工程承攬環境國際化,成為工程與法律人士之重要課題。而我國民法承攬制度僅具一般性傳統承攬之規制效果,未若英美法系以工程專業規章裁判契約當事人之紛爭。再者我國政府採購法雖為公共工程締約者適法之依據,亦無關於工期展延之具體規範,此為我國工程承攬環境國際化之困境。惟工程契約乃當事人工程實施之合意基礎,亦為雙方權利與義務之規範,並為工程爭議發生時,裁判者據以審理之重要依據。據此,編制公平、合理及國際化的工程契約範本,實為加速我國工程國際化之重要工作。 本研究以工程契約中工期展延條款之請求權基礎,比較我國與國際工程契約範本之差異。我國工程契約範本以行政院公共工程委員會所編訂之施工綱要規範00700一般條款、00406簡式契約及工程採購契約等三種範本類型為藍本,與國際金融機構所採行之FIDIC工程契約範本(1999年版新紅皮書)工期展延條款之差異分析作為主軸。並探討英國工程法學會之工程遲延及阻擾處理議定書對於工期展延相關條文之見解,以及遲延回溯技術(Retrospective)之整理,如:比較原計畫時程與竣工時程遲延分析法(As-planned v as-built)、原計畫受衝擊後時程遲延分析法(Impacted as planned)、摺縮竣工時程遲延分析法(Collapsed as-built)、區段衝擊時程遲延分析法(Time impact analysis)等。 綜合工期展延請求條款與遲延回溯技術後,本研究以設計之案例探討國際工程,如何以工程遲延及阻擾處理議定書之遲延回溯技術,對工期展延爭議進行公平、真實之鑑定。希望藉由本研究對我國契約範本中工期展延條款改進之建議,以及國際工程之遲延回溯時程分析方法,對我國工程遲延,在裁判面向的國際化、與法規面向的專業化等有所助益,俾以提供我國工程與法律人士審理工期遲延爭議之參考。


Extension of time, either in local or international projects, is always the thorniest problem to deal with in construction disputes. After Taiwan joins Government Procurement Agreement, the local engineers and law staffs have been facing a critical issue—How to enhance local engineering contract system to become internationalization. Unlike American and British law systems with construction law to judge and settle the construction disputes, Taiwan local civil contract law system only possess general effect of regulation of traditional contract. Although Taiwan Procurement Law has been adopted as a basis of applicable law for engineering contracting parties of public construction projects, till now there are still no any specific articles applicable to extension of time issue. This is a root cause and stumbling stone that hold Taiwan from being an international engineering contracting society. Without any doubt, engineering contract is a basis of mutual agreement of all parties for construction implementation. In addition it is the specification that defines rights and obligations for both parties. Under condition of construction disputes, the engineering contract is the judge’s major and critical basis to examine the case. Therefore, it is very important to establish a fair, reasonable, and international construction contract model, in order to expedite internationalization of Taiwan construction environment. Based on the claim request right of extension of time in engineering contract, this research compares the differences between Taiwan and Foreign engineering contracts. As for Taiwan engineering contract condition, three different types of conditions are quoted:”Construction Summary Specification 00700 General Conditions”, “ 00406 Short Form of Contract” and “EPC Contract”, issued by Public Construction Commission(PCC), are utilized as a base scheme. Then, the essence of this research focus on the variance analysis derived from comparing the above base scheme with Foreign practices—extension of time Conditions of Contract for Construction (1999 new Redbook) that is broadly adopted by international financial institutions. This research is also intended to study the perspective of British Construction Law Association with regards to extension of time related articles based on the Society of Construction Law Delay and Disruption Protocols, and intended to cover the analysis of delay retrospective. For example, As-planned v as-built, Impacted as-planned, Collapsed as-built, Time impact analysis etc. After studying construction delay articles and retrospective, this research utilizes a design case to study how retrospective is applied to an international construction project so that extension of time dispute can be investigated in justice and factuality. Finally, with those suggestions made in this research to improve the extension of time articles of Taiwan contract conditions and retrospective adopted in foreign projects, it is the writer’s intention to facilitate Taiwan construction law system to become international, in the aspect of construction delay judgments, and professional, in the aspect of establishing construction delay regulations. Then, this research can be served as a reference for those engineers and law staffs who have to examine construction delay.


4. 林志成,我國公共工程與FIDIC一般條款之索賠請求權差異比較,台北科技大學土木與防災研究所碩士論文(2008)。
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