  • 學位論文

進步型核電廠主控制室人機介面 最小清單建立與驗證流程

Developing a Method for Human System Interface Minimum Inventory Establishment, Verification and Validation in the Main Control Room of Advanced Nuclear Power Plant

指導教授 : 林久翔


目前核能電廠進步型主控制室已經採用高度自動化與系統資訊整合化的設計,並且使用video display units (VDU)作為主要的人機介面,讓操作員透過選單選擇想要監控的系統資訊,但是這種方式可能會造成操作員花費較多的時間在選擇需要的系統,而這個影響可能會導致緊急事故發生時,操作員無法及時的做出反應,所以在現行先進型主控制室的設計議題「最小清單」,就是希望找出除了操作員經常使用的VDU之外,還需要額外設計哪些人機介面用以增加操作員對核電廠狀態的掌握以及縮短反應時間。本研究探討最小清單的定義與準則,以工作分析法建立最小清單的架構與流程,並且以核電廠的設計基準事故 Loss of Coolant Accident with Loss of Off-Site Power模擬情境作為案例探討,對本研究提出建立最小清單之方法進行驗證。期望本論文對於未來核能電廠設計最小清單可做為參考資料。


In a modern control room employing digital technology, the digital instrumentation and controls are automatic and the system is highly-integrated, and video display units become the main human-system interfaces. The operator selects system information which he wants to monitor by selecting from the menu. But this method will let operator to take more time to search and choose what is needed from the system. This effect may make the operator hard to take actions in time during the emergency accident. Therefore, “minimum inventory “ becomes an important design issue in a modern control room. Among the displayed information, a minimum set of human-system interfaces can be defined to provide the operator enough information to complete the required tasks. This study looks into the regulatory body and available guidelines about minimum inventory and develops a procedure to establish the minimum set of human-system interfaces. The study then verifies the procedure with a case study in which the step by step usage of the procedure is illustrated using a design based accident “Loss of Coolant Accident with Loss of Off-Site Power”. The results show that the procedure is valid and further research is recommended to consider the approach in the human system interface verification and validation process.


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