  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships between IT Certificates & Job searching

指導教授 : 劉士豪


求職是人生中必經的過程之一,快速篩選成了求職者與企業共同追尋的目標,而「專業能力」必定已求職者的籌碼,也是企業考量是否錄用的重要因素;企業為了達成求才的目的,會針對求職者的競爭能力進行考核,而除了學歷與經歷外,能夠快速的從應徵者履歷中快速篩選人才的條件有哪些呢?這些都是非常值得探討的議題。 本研究藉企業與求職者於求職行為進行時,考核與準備的面向進行研究,整合相關資訊證照進行權重分析,進而了解徵才時求職者重視的證照有哪些?為什麼重視?而這些證照的推行是否會引響國內企業徵才者對專業能力考核取向等問題進行研究,並提出兩個研究問題1.企業徵才時對於資訊證照考核的比重。2求職者對資訊證照之於求職引響力的認知。 本研究針對我國148種資訊證照,以問卷方式取得最為普及之八類,與學歷及工作經歷等要素進行整合,使用AHP層級分析法取得其對於求職行為進行時所占有之權重進行統計。研究結果發現:求職者對資訊證照之於求職引響力的認知部分有以下兩點結論,1. 求職者對於現行資訊證照種類了解程度普遍不足、2. 資訊科系學士學歷對求職加分有限。而企業徵才時對於資訊證照考核的比重有以下兩點結論1. 資訊企業徵才首重工作資歷2. 資訊企業重視資料庫管理與網路安全維護能力而本總體而言各項要素對於求職的關聯性引響程度為工作經歷>專業技能(資訊證照)>學歷。


人力資源 證照 求職


Job searching is a necessary process of life. Faster screening has become job seekers’ and businesses’ common goal , "Professional competence" must be seekers’ chips, but also companies to consider whom to hire an important factor. Enterprises in order to attract employees will assess their competitive. Beside education and work experience, what conditions can rapid screening quickly from resume? These issues are very worthwhile to explore. The study is about job searching behavior, include the businesses’ assessment and job seekers’ preparation. By the IT licenses information and integrated weight analysis, then understand what licenses the job seekers focus on. The study propose two research questions 1 The IT licenses influence for job seekers’ understand 2. The weight of IT license when IT Enterprise hire a employees. In this study, we use questionnaire to filter 8 most popular IT license from 148 kinds in Taiwan, with the academic qualifications and work experience to integrate AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) model and get the weight of statistics. The results showed that: for research question1 in the following two conclusions, (1) Generally, job seekers do not have enough information for understanding of license types, (2) IT bachelor degree limited help to job searching . for research question2 the following two conclusions (1).When enterprise hire a employees consider work experience first (2) IT companies attach importance to database management and network security. Finally, the various elements of job searching relevance : work experience > expertise (IT license)> education.


license job seek human resources


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林政坤劉宜菁(2009)。從企業主管的角度探討擁有ERP 證照的員工工作表現之研究。未出版之碩士論文,國立勤益科技大學資訊管理系。
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