  • 學位論文


A Study of Social Commerce Affect Consumer Behavior from Relationship Marketing Perspective

指導教授 : 皮世明


行銷學的演進從工業時代以生產為導向,至網路科技的出現,轉變成以消費者關係為導向的行銷方式。然而,正是因為二十世紀的資訊科技進一步推動了社群媒體的興起,促使個人與團體之間的連結與互動,且讓個人得以表達自我並與其他人合作。      這代表著共同參與時代的來臨,也是醞釀行銷3.0的主要動力。企業為了贏得消費者的心,企業紛紛開始將消費與網路社交活動結合,透過社群的特性,引發口碑,並進而吸引更多的人來關心相關議題,又可稱之為社群商務。這種商業模式對消費者來說,能夠透過社群的群聚效應,參考其他網友的經驗與建議來評估產品內容以降低購物的潛在風險,或是直接對產品及服務給予消費評價,進而影響其他的消費者。對企業來說,最主要目的是希望可以達到吸引、維持及強化顧客關係,且試圖透過關係行銷創造更多利潤。   因此本研究將採用關係行銷中Morgan and Hunt(1994)所提出的「承諾―信任」理論作為本研究的理論基礎,依據社群商務的情境及相關文獻,修改並增加相關影響變數以提出理論架構。並以愛合購社群商務網站之使用成員為本研究對象,一個月內共回收315份有效問卷。在資料分析的部分,採用SPSS 18.0軟體進行基本敘述統計分析及AMOS 18.0軟體進行結構方程式(Structural Equation Model)的分析來檢定假設驗證。   結果發現在愛合購社群網站中,顧客信任、關係終止成本、互惠行為將有助於增加顧客承諾;溝通則有助於增加顧客信任;而顧客承諾、顧客信任也證實會影響顧客在社群商務中之行為意圖。文末將提出本研究在學術的貢獻及實務上的建議。


The evolution of marketing has undergone transformation from the production-oriented industrial era to the consumer-oriented marketing following the emergence of Internet technology. However, it is precisely because of the information technology available in the twentieth century that has further promoted the rise of social media and the links and interactions between individuals and groups, thereby allowing individuals to express themselves and engage in cooperation with others. This signifies the arrival of the era of participation and is the main driving force for brewing marketing 3.0. In order to win the hearts of consumers, enterprises have started to combine consumption and social networking. Through the community features, the word of mouth has been triggered and more people have been attracted to care about relevant issues, called “social commerce”. To consumers, this type of business model can be used to evaluate the product contents and reduce the potential risks involved in shopping through the community cluster effect or in reference to other customers experiences and suggestions; the business model can also be used to provide consumer evaluations of products and services, thereby affecting other consumers. The main purpose is to attract, maintain, and strengthen customer relationships and create more profits through relational marketing. Therefore, the “Commitment-trust” theory in relational marketing proposed by Morgan & Hunt(1994) has been adopted in this study. Based on the social commerce scenarios and related literatures, the related influential variables have been modified and added. In addition, the user members of ihergo(www.ihergo.com) have been adopted as the research subjects, and a total of 315 copies of valid questionnaires have been collected within one month. In terms of the data analysis, the SPSS18.0 software has been adopted for the basic descriptive statistical analysis while the AMOS18.0 software has been adopted for the Structural Equation Model analysis in order to verify the test hypotheses. The results show that customer trust, relationship termination costs, and reciprocating behaviors have contributed to increasing customer commitment; communication on the other hand has aided in increasing customer trust; customer commitment and customer trust have been proven to have impacts on the behavioral intention in social commerce. The academic contributions and practical suggestions have also been proposed toward the end of the paper.


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