  • 學位論文


A Study to the Influencing Factors of Sense of Virtual Community by the Social Exchange Theory - A Case of the Virtual Community for Females

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


隨著科技的進步與使用者對社群的參與度提升,各類主題的社群網站隨著的出現,經營虛擬社群的進入門檻已經降低,任何人、主題都可以在網路上建立專屬的虛擬社群。根據創市際調查(2010),指出有六成以上的網友都曾參與過網路虛擬社群,而有五成的使用者是以交流心得、意見為主。此外,女性上網族群的增加,各類以女性為主題的社群網站也隨之成立,但女性社群網站要如何經營,才能讓女性使用者提高其對於該社群的的使用行為與社群意識成為很重要的議題。本研究採用社會交換理論來探討虛擬社群的影響因素,並希望驗證虛擬社群中的資訊貢獻、收集行為、認同感和娛樂性、互惠規範為虛擬社群意識重要的影響因素,以幫助虛擬社群經營者了解成員在社群中的進行資訊分享行為與使用社群因素。 本研究以女性社群網站做為研究標的,採用調查研究法,並透過網路問卷的方式蒐集資料,共取得206份有效樣本進行分析,以結構方程模型為分析方法,並選用Visual PLS 1.04軟體,進行各構念之間的路徑分析,以驗證各構念之間的關係結果與假說是否成立。 研究結果發現,社群成員的「虛擬社群意識」會受到「資訊貢獻行為」、「資訊收集行為」、「認同感」、「互惠規範」的正向影響,但「娛樂性」的影響不顯著。社群成員的「資訊收集行為」會受到「互惠規範」、「自我效能」、「相對優勢」的正向影響,而「人際信任」、「娛樂性」及「相容性」構念的影響不顯著。社群成員的「資訊貢獻行為」會受到「互惠規範」、「自我效能」的正向影響,「人際信任」、「相對優勢」和「相容性」構念的影響不顯著,但「娛樂性」對「資訊貢獻行為」是負向的影響。另外,社群成員的「互惠規範」是會受到「認同感」的正向影響。


As the improvement of the technology and more users involve in the social network, the variety of the theme is increasing among of virtual communities. And because of user interface is much more friendly and easier to manage and maintain, any person can build up a unique virtual community by any subject. In addition, because of the increasing of the female users on Internet, female-topiced virtual communities are increasing, too. How to manage these virtual communities for females that can increase the female users and their participation becomes more important topic. This research established research model to investigate the factors that will influence the virtual community by using the social exchange theory, and verify the factors such as information collecting behavior and information contributing behavior that will influence participation of female users. This study chooses the virtual community website of females as research objective and adopts Survey Research Method. Through the online questionnaire, there are total of 206 valid samples. The results showed that: Member's "information collecting behavior", "information contributing behavior", "norm of reciprocity" and "identity" will significantly and positively affect their "sense of virtual community", but "perceived entertainment" will not significantly affect their "sense of virtual community". Member's "norm of reciprocity", "sharing self-efficacy" and "perceived relative advantage" will significantly and positively affect their "information collecting behavior", but "interpersonal trust", "perceived compatibility" and "perceived entertainment" will not significantly affect their "information collecting behavior". Member's "norm of reciprocity" and "sharing self-efficacy" will significantly and positively affect their "information contributing behavior", but "interpersonal trust", "perceived relative advantage" and "perceived compatibility" will not significantly affect their "information contributing behavior". Member's "perceived entertainment" will negatively affect their "information contributing behavior". Then, Member's "identity" will significantly and positively affect their "norm of reciprocity".


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