  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Different Grouping Problem-Based Learning on Critical Thinking of Eighth-Grade students

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究旨在探討在不同分組情形中的問題本位學習(以下簡稱PBL)活動對八年級學生的批判思考能力的影響。研究採準實驗設計,樣本為桃園縣某國中八年級61位學生,利用認知風格將學生分成分為實驗組A(認知風格異質組31人),以及實驗組B(認知風格同質組30人),活動時間為八週。研究工具包括:「團體藏圖測驗(GEFT)」、「康乃爾批判思考測驗(CCT-X)」。課程實施前,進行GEFT與CCT-X前測,二組(實驗組A與實驗組B)進行PBL 「聲音」及「黑板反光」兩個活動。在PBL教學活動課程後,再實施CCT-X「後測」與晤談。 研究結果顯示,在PBL活動中,認知風格異質組與認知風格同質組學生之批判思考能力差異達顯著水準,接受異質分組的學生顯著優於同質分組學生(F=4.908, p<.05)。於本研究所進行的PBL活動下,在相同分組環境內的不同認知風格之學生其批判思考能力沒有顯著差異。在不同分組環境中場地獨立型學習者批判思考能力沒有顯著差異,但在不同分組環境中場地依賴型學習者在演繹、觀察、考察訊息的可信度三個分量表中接受異質分組的學生顯著優於同質分組學生。


This research aims to explore the effect of the Eighth-grade students' critical thinking abilities in different group situations on Problem-Based Learning. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design and the subjects of the study comprise Sixty eighth-grade students of a junior high school in Taoyuan County. They were divided into two learning groups: treatment group A had thirty students, who were heterogeneously grouped according to their cognitive style; there were thirty students in treatment group B, which was a homogeneous group based on students’ cognitive style. The period of the empirical activity lasted for 8 weeks. The instruments which were adopted by the study include “Cornell Critical Thinking Test, Level X, CCT-X” , and “ Group Embedded Figure Test, GEFT”. GEFT and CCT-X pre-test prior to the implementation of the activities. After PBL activity courses, the implementation of the CCT-X post-test and interviews. The results of the research were summarized as follows. Significant differences in cognitive style heterogeneous grouping environment and cognitive – style homogeneous group environment, heterogeneous grouping students' critical thinking abilities was significantly better than homogeneous grouping students (F= 4.908, p<.05). In this study, the PBL activity, there was no significant difference in the students with different cognitive styles within the same grouping environment. There is no significant difference in the Field-Independent students critical thinking abilities in the different group environment, but in a different group environment, field-dependent students in the three subscales of the interpretation, observations, and the credibility, who accept heterogeneous grouping of students were significantly better than homogeneous grouping students.




吳小惠(2013)。國小科學教師實施問題本位學習 的困難及因應策略〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300586
