  • 學位論文


Labor rights associated law and economy issues under globalization —Example of multinational corporations in China—

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


隨著經濟全球化的演變以及國際競爭的日趨激烈,企業為了達成求生存和擴大經營的目標,逐漸往工資低的開發中國家尋求發展機會企圖以低價競爭吸引消費者。擁有低廉的土地、勞工成本及市場發展潛力的開發中國家即成為世界各國投資的焦點。中國大陸也在這一坡的發展下,成為跨國企業生產基地從沿海發展到內陸。設廠帶來商機、創造就業,但勞動權保障與法制亦受到關切。跨國企業到中國大陸投資的誘因為低廉勞工成本,得以讓品牌商之產品售價大幅降低,為了得到更大的競爭優勢,跨國企業削減勞動者權益,有違反勞動法律的部分,亦因中國大陸執法未落實,而形成勞資雙方之間不對等,忽略勞動者的保障。 本文共分為六章:第一章說明研究動機及目的,並敘明研究範圍及本文所採取之研究方法;第二章為使經濟全球化之概念更為明確,就全球化的起源與現況加以介紹,而全球化對於中國大陸轉變為世界工廠與其政經與勞動法制有關。國際勞工組織(ILO)對於勞工權利保障之推動不遺餘力,中國大陸為國際勞工組織會員國,本文檢討中國大陸加入的部分公約與國際勞工標準的落實;第三章就跨國企業的知名品牌定價與利潤分配,中國大陸付出勞工成本,但所得利益分配如何,檢討跨國企業經營策略問題;第四章中國大陸勞動權保障相關之法制作一說明;第五章就跨國企業在中國大陸發生侵害勞動權案例,歸納企業與勞動者權利義務關係,進而分析其勞動法律、經濟、企業社會責任之問題。最後,以各章節整理與分析所得,作成結論與建議。


With the evolution of economic globalization and international competition is becoming increasingly fierce, enterprises survive and expand in order to achieve business goals, gradually to low-wage developing countries seeking development opportunities in an attempt to price competition to attract consumers. Have cheap land; labor costs and market potential in developing countries become the focus of every country’s investment. Mainland China is also under the development of the trend, become the production base for multinational businesses from coastal development to inland. Factories bring business opportunities to create jobs, but the protection of labor rights and the rule of law are also subject to concerns. Multinationals to invest in China's incentive due to lower labor costs, to make the brand manufacturer selling prices substantially reduced, in order to get a greater competitive advantage, multinational companies cut workers' rights, there are some violations of labor law and, since Chinese mainland enforcement is not implemented, and to form the asymmetry between employers and employees, ignoring the protection of workers. This paper is divided into six chapters: The first chapter explains the motive and purpose of the study stating the scope and research methodology adopted in this paper; The second chapter is to make more explicit the concept of economic globalization, the globalization of the origin and status be introduced, while globalization is related to mainland China into the world's factory and its political, economic and labor law relevant. International Labour Organization (ILO) spend much effort for the protection of labor rights, Chinese mainland as the ILO Member States, this part of the review of Mainland China to the Convention and the implementation of international labor standards; Chapter III is related to multinational brands pricing and profit allocated, the China pay labor costs, but how the resulting distribution of benefits, reviewing multinational business strategy issues; Chapter IV is related to safeguard labor rights in China produced a description of the related law; fifth chapter is related to multinational companies in China, labor rights infringement cases occurred , induction enterprises and workers' rights and obligations, and then analyzes its labor laws, economic, corporate social responsibility issues. Finally, in order to organize and analyze the proceeds of each chapter, make the conclusion and recommendations.




