  • 學位論文


Electronic Products Reuse Assessment Based on Failure Precursors Using Competing Failure Mode Method

指導教授 : 簡英哲


從已退役而不用的電子產品裡,很多高價值零件經過檢驗認證可再使用於其他產品中,成為翻新產品中的再使用零件或是認證過的備用零件。再使用零件的認證須先根據零件的規格而確認此零件符合規格。對於其可靠度能力的考量,本研究專注於利用零件的各種故障預兆(Failure Precursors),並藉由競爭故障模式(Competing Failure Mode)方法,發展出剩餘使用壽命預測模型,以估計零件的剩餘使用壽命。應用本研究所建議的方法,零件的壽命週期能予充分使用,進而達到降低製造成本與創造一個對環境友善的產品。


From the retired electronic products, many of high value components can be reused in other products as certified reused components for refurbished products or certified spare parts. Certification of a reused component should be checked first on its functional performance according to component’s specifications. For reliability capability concern, this research focused on using component’s failure precursors to develop remaining useful life prediction for the component by competing failure mode method. Applying the method, component life cycle can be fully utilized, product manufacturing cost can be reduced, and an environmental friendly product can be achieved.


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