  • 學位論文


A Study of the Eco-design Factors for the Needs of Different Consumer Groups of Notebook Computers

指導教授 : 饒忻




In order to resolve the serious environmental problems, in the recent decade the international organizations impose many environment related directives or regulations to require countries and companies to take responsibility for the environmental impacts of their products. The producers have to incorporate this concern from the product life cycle aspect, starting from product design and watching the environment compliance for each stage of the product life cycle. In addition, it is believable that green consumption will become a trend that can be developed in the near future. Therefore, product eco-design is a very important issue that any enterprise needs to pay more attention. Due to the abovementioned facts, this research studies the preference behaviors of customers using notebook computer as an example and classifies the customers into three groups: Technology Lover, Pragmatism, and Green Consumer using the cluster analysis. Moreover, we find the needs of each consumer group and through the transformation of quality function deployment for environment we obtain the weight of eco-design factors under the consumer needs and the weight of components under the eco-design factors for each consumer group. Finally, this study develops an evaluation model with consideration of cost and environment to obtain the best eco-design factors with the related componments. We believe that the result of this research can serve as a reference for the eco-design of notebook computer.


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