  • 學位論文

文化硬實力及文化軟實力與文化影響力關係之研究 -台灣與大陸前五大創意城市比較分析

Relationship among Culture Hardpower, Culture Softpower and Culture Influence - Comparison Analysis of Top Five Creative Cities between Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


全球文化創意產業競爭越趨激烈,從工業時代進入到知識經濟時代,而且全球各國日漸體認到用創意為產業加值的重要性,因此文化創意產業逐漸被各國列為經濟發展的重要支柱。然而只有依賴腦力激盪以及文創人才的培育與投入,才能為文創產業激發出新版圖,激盪出具有永續發展性的全球競爭優勢,並發展出獨具城市豐厚涵養特色的文化創意產業。且文創產業所衍生出的商機,已足以作為支援國家經濟的發展的支柱,並提供龐大的就業機會,因此兩岸文化創意城市要如何提升文化軟硬實力,藉以提升自身文化在全球的立足點,已成為全球經濟發展的重點。 因此要如何提升兩岸文化創意城市的硬實力與軟實力,藉以提升城市文化影響力,成為台灣與中國大陸政府面臨到最為迫切的問題。有鑑於此,本研究係探討文化硬實力及文化軟實力與文化影響力關係研究,以台灣與中國大陸前五大創意城市比較分析,並根據相關文獻研究與探討後,歸納得出研究變數,其為(1)政策支持、文化整合、人本價值、市場開發(2)基礎實力、財政實力、文創實力、產出實力(3)文化輻射、文化吸引、文化滲透,再透過t-test、迴歸分析、單因數變異數分析變數間是否異同;此外,本研究透過問券的形式,探討台灣與中國大陸前五大文化創意城市文化硬實力及文化軟實力與文化影響力關係之研究,共計蒐集280份有效問卷,進行相關統計驗證,經過整理歸納其結論如下: (1)經由迴歸分析得出提升城市之文化硬實力助於拓展文化影響力 (2)針對中國大陸與台灣重點文創城市,深耕重點產業 (3)城市擁有豐厚文化底蘊豐厚針有助於打造文化創意城市 (4)在推動創意產業過程中融合全球人才團隊有助於兩岸城市提升文化影響力


The world's cultural and creative industries are increasingly competitive from the industrial era of mass production to the era of knowledge economy and cultural and creative competition. Countries around the world recognize the importance of cultural and creative industries as a bonus and make the cultural and creative industries list as the main pillar of economic development. However, cultural and creative industries can stimulate new spark to create a sustainable development with a competitive advantage and develop the unique characteristics of urban cultural and creative industries only rely on brainstorming and talent investment. Also, cultural and creative industries arise out of the opportunities already available as a pillar to support the country's economic development and to provide huge employment opportunities. Therefore, how the cross-strait cultural and creative city enhances the cultural soft and hard power and its foothold in the world of culture has become the focus of the development of cultural and creative industries. Consequently, how hard to enhance the strength of cross-strait cultural and creative city and soft power and to enhance the influence of urban culture, become the most pressing issue between Taiwan and Mainland China government. In view of this research study was to explore the relationship among the soft power of culture, the hard power of culture and the influence of the culture. Based on the comparative analysis of top five creative cities in Taiwan and Mainland China and the relevant literatures and discussion, this research summarizes the related research variables. That is (1) policy support, cultural integration, human values, market development, (2) the basis of strength, financial strength, cultural and creative power, output power (3) radiation culture, cultural attraction, cultural infiltration. Then through the t-test, regression analysis, and ANOVA analysis to find out whether there is a significant difference between the variables. Besides, this study explores the hard power, soft power and the influence of culture of Taiwan and Mainland China research of top five cultural and creative urban through the questionnaires. There are total 280 valid questionnaires were collected and done the related statistical verification. The conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) To enhance the hard power of cultural city expand the cultural influence. (2) For the Chinese mainland and Taiwan focus on cultural and creative city, cultivating the key industries. (3) The city, owned a rich cultural heritage, helps to build rich cultural and creative city needle. (4) Integration of global talent team in the process of promoting the creative industries contributes to enhance the cultural influence of the city on both sides.


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