  • 學位論文


Developments and Applications of Two-Tier Diagnostic Tests in Optics for Junior High School Students` misconception

指導教授 : 楊坤原


摘 要 本研究的目的是以二階段式診斷測驗來探討國中七、八、九年級不同性別學生對於光學迷思概念的差異。研究結果可提供課程設計者與教學者的參考。 本研究工具是根據先前專家學者對於光學迷思概念所分類型加以改編設計,先對 小樣本進行預試,分析其難度、鑑別度與α信度後,再確定正式問卷。本研究樣本取自桃園縣的國一、國二、國三男女學生共629 人。本研究採用雙因子變異數分析、t 考驗,結果發現: 1.不同性別學生對於整體光學概念並沒有明顯差異存在,而且年級與性別交互作用 並不顯著。 2 不同性別學生對於光的折射、色光的概念的得分有明顯差異存在,在光的折射方 面,女生優於男生;在色光的方面,男生優於女生。 3.不同性別學生對於光學整體的相關迷思概念沒有顯著差異存在(p<.05)。 4.不同年級學生對於光學整體的相關迷思概念有顯著差異存在。九年級學生皆優 於七年級與八年級學生,並且達顯著差異(p<.05)。 研究結論:不同性別學生雖然對於某些光學正確概念方面有差異存在,但對光學 迷思概念則沒有明顯差異,以整份測驗平均得分來看,全體學生得分數並不高,男 女學生也沒有明顯差異,顯示出國中學生無論男女對於光學概念仍存在著相當大的迷思。


Abstract   The purpose of this research is to study the gender differences of the 7th, 8th and 9th grade students’ conceptions by Two-Tier Diagnostic Test for Optics. The result of this study can provide reference for science curriculum designers and instruetors. The tool of this study is accordif to researchers` about students’ misconceptions in optics. Firstly, there were pilot-tests in order to analysis the difficulty index, discrimination index and reliability of cronbaeh`s α about these qestions. Then according the analyses, these questions to formal questionnaires were processed. The subjects were 629 the 7 th, 8th and 9th grades students selected from Taoyuan County. Two-way ANOVA and t-test were used to analyze data from the questions. The results are summarized as follow: 1. There are no significances for gender, gredes and gender in optics conceptions. 2. Different gender students’ scores have significance difference about “The Refraction of Light” is girl students are better than boy students. “Light and Color”is boy students are better than girl students. 3. Different gender students have no significant difference about light misconceptions. 4. Different grade students have significant difference about light misconceptions.The 9th students grade is better than 7th and 8th students. According to the consult of this research, different gender students have difference on some correct concepts, but there is no difference on the light misconceptions. Besides, not only boy students but also girl students have lower average scores. It means that students have little light concepts. Both boy and girl students have great misconceptions about light.




張文馨(2015)。發展與應用二段式診斷測驗工具探討 國中學生壓力之迷思概念〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500284
