  • 學位論文


Network Flow Analysis On Job Shop Production System Of Server Chassis Factory Using Linear Programing

指導教授 : 張國華


在市場競爭下,各家廠商無不希望能獲取更多的利潤,進而紛紛提高各自的產能及大量接單的需求,然而在未找出本身企業最佳的生產模式下,龐大的訂單壓力,反而衍生出更多的問題,這對於轉型中的企業是個嚴峻的挑戰,對於由傳統產業轉型成科技產業的企業更是影響顯著,在傳統的經驗行事,無整體規劃的系統思維及無善用現場資源下,生產力很快便到達瓶頸,進而造成更多的成本花費。 本研究將以伺服器機殼製造廠為研究探討對象,在前段製造工程中,利潤的高低決定於原料片上的成本的花費及機台應用上的產品產能和數量,所以將先個別研究問題再結合統整所有問題,在切割機的部分,針對二維切割料片組合方式的不同和切割最短路徑的長短,兩者在成本上的議題進行探討,在折床機台的部分,面對不同的產品在加工上有不同的機台數量需求,討論在產能上的機台派工問題,最後將結合這三項問題,並設置實例的情境,來輔助說明並了解結合三項問題的應用情況,目的為輔助多以經驗行事或無適當生產規劃的企業能有更佳的生產決策方向。 而本研究方法均以數學規劃模式為主,在以最高利潤為目標下,面對不同的限制下可得到不同的可行解,而每一個可行解的內容中,皆會告知應選擇切割何種切割樣式組合及最短的切割路徑過程和最後的折床派工要應該如何進行分配,針對這三項問題,其目的分別為提高原料片的使用率,減少餘料的浪費,縮短切割路徑時間上的浪費及提高機台利用率以增加產能,本論文在最後統整並結合三個問題的應用結果,而目的為在已知的環境或是訂單限制下,面對不同目標值的需求,可提供多項的生產方案,以利做出最佳的生產決策。


Through observation of the actual condition and competition in the market. Various manufacturers hope to get more profit. Manufacturers have increased their capacity to handle more orders. Before establishing the best production line, we need to determine first the problems faced when it accept a large number of orders. Demand is a great influence on manufacturers, from traditional industries most are now into the technology industry. Traditional manufacturers only rely on past experience and make no good use of company resources. Thus, limiting the production capacity and incur more cost. In this study, we design a two-dimensional cutting stock model, solve the shortest path problem and the machine job assignment problem using mathematical programming models. This study helps traditional server chassis factories to have better production decisions. The main objectives are to improve the utilization of raw materials and reduce the waste of materials, shortening path time, and to improve machine utilization to increase production capacity. Consequently, a systematic approach to integrate all of the issues will lead to better decisions in the production line.


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