  • 學位論文


A Study on the Preservation Values of Cultural Landscape of Dahshi Historic District in Taoyuan

指導教授 : 黃承令


1925年美國地理學者Carl O.Sauer首次提出文化地景的概念,廣義上可視為「人與自然互動後的結果」,至今成為各國制定地景保存的重要理論來源。Sauer的「文化地景」理論中,顯示「整體性」為文化地景內重要的核心價值,亦為地景保存價值的重點。 桃園市大溪區的開發,從清代便有文獻紀錄,當時此區皆為平埔族與高山族原住民在此過著較原始的漁獵採集生活。清乾隆時期漢人入墾此區,逐漸形塑大溪地區的人文地景,隨後因經濟作物的開發,清末時大嵙崁街成為北台灣重要的政經中心,亦為內陸河港的交通樞紐。清領時期與日治時期更在大溪建設了各種時期的特色建築,為此區留下了許多豐富且有價值的文化資產,其中在1912年日治時期的大嵙崁市街改正計畫範圍,即大溪老城區內的文化資產保存較為完整。從歷史脈絡來看,大溪的人文地景皆與周邊環境有所關連,故本研究將以整體性的角度來探討大溪老城區及其周邊環境的文化地景價值,成為本研究的核心。 本研究透過相關文獻及理論來探討文化景觀的特質與脈絡,藉由調查大溪區的文化景觀資源中驗證本區文化景觀的特質,發現在大溪老城區與周邊環境的文化景觀資源具有歷史、產業、社會、生活的四種性質。隨後以《布拉憲章》的內容來驗證其文化景觀價值,並以國內相關法規探討大溪老城區登錄為文化景觀的可能性,發現大溪老城區及周邊環境具有登錄法定文化景觀的潛力。 本研究最後提出檢視大溪區文化景觀保存的建議範圍與發展定位目標,作為日後大溪老城區文化景觀保存的論述依據。


聚落 文化景觀 大溪老城區


In 1925, the American geographer Carl O. Sauer proposed the concept of "cultural landscape" for the first time. Broadly speaking, the term refers to "the result of human interaction with nature". Today, it is still a key theoretical concept for nations when they work on the conservation of specific landscapes. In his theory of "cultural landscape", Sauer showed that "holist" is a core value of the cultural landscape and should hence be the focus of landscape conservation. The settlement of Daxi District in Taoyuan City was recorded as early as in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the district was populated by both lowland and highland tribesmen leading hunter-gatherer lifestyles. During the reign of the Emperor Qianlong (1735 - 1796 CE) the Han people began to move into the area, paving the foundations for the cultural landscape of Daxi District. With economic development, by the end of the Qing Dynasty Dakekan Street became a key political and economic center in Northern Taiwan as well as a transportation junction for the inland river port network. Under Qing and Japanese rule, a significant number of buildings in various architectural styles were built in Daxi, making for a rich and valuable cultural heritage for the district. The cultural heritage in the area covered in the Dakekan Neighborhood Correction Plan in 1912, i.e., the "Old City" area, has been relatively well-preserved in its entirety. In historical terms, the cultural landscape of Daxi is associated with its surrounding environment. Therefore, the key focus of this study is to investigate the value of the cultural landscape of Daxi's Old City district and its environs from the perspective of "holist". In this study, we examined the characteristics and context of cultural landscape with the help of existing literature and theory, and then sought to identify these characteristics in Daxi's cultural landscape. During this process, we found that the cultural landscape of Daxi's Old City district and its environs present characteristics in four categories: historical, industrial, social and lifestyle. Then, we studied the value of Daxi's cultural landscape through the content of the Burra Charter, and discussed the possibility of Daxi's Old City district being gazetted as a cultural landscape under existing local laws. As a result, we discovered that there is potential for Daxi's Old City district and its environs to be gazetted legally as a cultural landscape under protection. Lastly, in this study we proposed for future discussions a review of the scope of conservation as well as of development positioning for the district qua cultural landscape.


