  • 學位論文


Latent Class Models in Monte Carlo Markov Chain Analysis

指導教授 : 林余昭 鄭子韋


潛類別模型概念簡單、容易了解。潛在類別參數的傳統估計方法有最大概似估計、EM 演算法。本文將使用WinBUGS軟體,利用蒙地卡羅馬可夫鍊的方法去估計潛在類別參數及條件機率,並將其應用於中原大學101年下學期微積分第一次會考成績的分析。


The concepts of latent class models are easy to understand.Maximum likelihood estimations (MLE) and EM algorithm are two methods used to estimate the latent class parameters. In this paper, we use the WinBUGS software and the Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods to estimate these latent class parameters and conditional probabilities. We apply the techniques to analyze the CYCU calculus examinations.


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