  • 學位論文


Research of Management Mechanism of Winery Industrial Heritage in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林曉薇


近年來台灣的城市經濟轉型,在工業化、城市化的空間影響下,社會、經濟和政治的改變,讓曾經紅極一時的工業建築在產業移轉後,面臨了土地使用調整、閒置及再利用等問題。在文建會大力的推動下,興起了一股產業遺產再利用的風潮,也讓產業遺產保存受到相當程度的關注。而酒廠、菸廠及其他閒置空間皆為不同類型的產業,在再利用的方式上也不盡相同,除了在硬體的保存及空間的有效再利用外,更需要在軟體的經營管理執行層面上去延續地方的永續發展。 其中酒產業文化資產歷經了日治時期專賣制度、光復後公賣制度至現今的公司化,每個階段都影響著台灣產業經濟,一直至2002年加入WTO後菸酒市場競爭激烈,不得不面臨產業轉型的命運;大多數的廠房位於市中心影響環境和都市計畫,面臨了遷廠閒置的狀態,將廠房遷往工業區繼續生產;而菸酒公司也將已閒置的花蓮、華山、台中、嘉義、台南五個廠交由文建會作為創意園區發展,其他的13座仍隸屬於台灣菸酒公司其下,除了建國啤酒廠已轉變為台北啤酒文化園區外,其餘皆間轉型朝觀光酒廠方向發展。酒產業至今發展百餘年,留下許多產業發展歷史、文物、建物、機具等珍貴產業文化資產,這些都記錄著台灣的經濟發展與生活,更是我們要努力保存維繫的資產。 而這些產業文化資產在產業轉型之下,紛紛將其閒置的空間或保存的部分進行再利用,但由於台灣目前對於產業文化資產保存和再利用的部分沒有明確的政策、法令規範和監督方式,因此在後續的經營管理上則造成很大的問題。本研究以參考國外案例保存再利用的經營管理操作模式,分析其特點與成功的關鍵,來檢視目前台灣產業文化資產在轉型上經營管理的問題,試圖找出問題的根本並提出建議。 調查重點為埔里酒廠、宜蘭酒廠和台灣建築.設計與藝術展演中心為案例,分析其保存及轉型再利用的方式和經營管理模式,來檢視其轉型再利用後之經營管理所面臨的問題,對國外案例之操作方式,期望於日後的管理執行層面有更加完善且有效的掌握。


In recent years, the effects of industrialization and urbanization of the space, accompanied with the changes of society, economy and politics in the transformation of urban economy in Taiwan, have made the industrial buildings to deal with new issues of alternatives and reuses of the properties left unused. The campaign of reutilization of industrial heritages supported by Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) also brought the publics to pay more attention and interests in such managements. However, different types of spaces, such as brewery and tobacco factory, require different modes of preserving technologies reflected respectively in hardware as efficient uses of spaces and in software as administrations of local sustainable developments. The winery cultural properties have gone through the monopoly business in the Japanese occupation and the retrocession of Taiwan, the late privatization, to the entrance to WTO in 2002, and have to face the fate of transformation. Most factories which were situated in the urban centers impede the plans of city developments and therefore the production lines were also propelled to move in industrial areas. Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation transferred Hualien, Huasan, Taichung, Giayi and Tainan factories to Creative and Cultural Park under the managements of CCA. Other 13 factories remain with corporation and were transmuted to Tourism Brewery except that Jianguo Beer Factory to Taipei Beer Culture Park . The precious history, artifacts, architectures and machines of industrial heritages that record the economical developments and lives in Taiwan are worth our preservations. The management, reuse and surveillance of such properties have faced the difficult conditions due to the lack of specific official policies. Accordingly, my thesis tries to make reference to foreign modes of preservation and administration and analyses successful characters of each cases, which can be helpful to examine and solve the problems occurred in the executions of maintaining industrial heritages in Taiwan. The cases investigated are Puli Brewery, Yilan Distillery and Taiwan Architecture, Design and Art Center. A better and efficient mastering of the execution in foreign cases is also expected in future study.


郭依蒨,2005《由歷史建築再利用之使用後評估檢視委外經營機制 》中原大學建築研究
劉雯婷,2004《華山藝文特區』之藝文生態及社會關係探 》東吳大學社會學系
教育部,2005《中原大學、中國科技大學、日本工業大學及北區技專校院校際合作聯盟》 國立文化資產保存研究中心籌備處


