  • 學位論文


Innovative Green Design for Low-Temperature Resistant Rubber Parts of Automotive Rear Axles

指導教授 : 鄭詠隆


本研究為橡膠耐低溫並運用在汽車後軸使用上,更增加了創新環保綠色概念,設計開發各階段的管理重點及關連圖的分析方法,從IATF 16949五大核心工具中找到製程中的創新技術,建立一個流程來串連先期的產品設計重點(APQP)、生產時的失效模式管理(FMEA)、儀器檢驗的正確性與量產的品質工程製程能力分析(SPC)。建構耐低溫過氧化物交聯系統氟橡膠彈性體,針對國外車廠所使用之耐低溫密封件設計最適化配方及標準混練操作程式,進而製備耐低溫氟彈性體密封元件。 目前耐低溫橡膠中市場中皆以單一主體橡膠為開發目標,而雙主膠共混綠色研發並未有學者做過類似的研究,因此本研究希望藉由個案公司之深度訪談及創新綠色橡膠共混生產製造流程做探究,針對個案公司對於耐低溫橡膠共混開發技術執行分析,藉由此次個案公司之案例探討提出建議,作為提升橡膠共混技術、綠色環保與品質管理之參考。 本研究個案公司以橡膠製造業為例,對於未來橡膠綠色變革的議題與法規需做更為詳細參考定義;不僅需要加強企業內部的開發、製造、品質系統,在外部資源還需不定期取得國、內外最新綠色橡膠市場資訊,以瞭解橡膠市場中所符合之發展並可持續精進企業永續經營的目標。


創新 環保 綠色 設計 IATF 16949


This study focuses on the application of low-temperature resistant rubber in automotive rear axles, introduces environmental protection, and develops the management center of each stage and the analysis method of correlation diagrams. This study identified the innovative technologies in the process from the five core tools of IATF 16949 and established a process to link up advanced product quality planning (APQP), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), and statistical Process Control (SPC). After the construction of the low-temperature resistant peroxide crosslinking system fluoroelastomer, the optimum formula and Standard mixing operation procedure should be designed for the low-temperature resistant seals used by foreign vehicle manufacturers. Then the low-temperature resistant fluoroelastomer sealing elements should be prepared. At present, the market takes a single main body of rubber as the development goal of low-temperature resistant rubber, and no scholar has researched green double-sided rubber. Therefore, this study hopes to explore through the in-depth interview of the case company and the innovative production process of green rubber blends. Based on the analysis of the development technology of low-temperature resistant rubber blends by the case company, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of rubber blending technology, environmental protection, and quality management. Taking the rubber manufacturing industry as an example, the case company needs a more detailed reference definition for the issues and regulations of future rubber green change. Enterprises are not only required to strengthen internal development, manufacturing, and quality systems but also to obtain the latest information on the green rubber market at home and abroad from time to time in external resources, which facilitates understanding of the development of the rubber market and sustainable business objectives.


Innovative Environmental Protection Green Design IATF 16949


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