  • 學位論文


Research of civil obligations-Focus on the loyalty and confidentiality obligations

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


筆者自民國七十三年加入公職行列以來,直至近年修習法律,對現行人事制度之規定漸萌研究興趣,公務員服務法作為規範公務員義務之準據法,於民國二十八年十月二十三日制定公布,本文主要在探討公務員的義務要求,並以忠誠及守密義務為中心,各章摘要分述如下: 第一章說明本文研究動機與目的、研究方法及範圍。本文以行政機關之公務員為對象,為對各該領域能有所了解,知道其內涵與概念,期望能以此釐清我國公務人員義務的性質和範圍,使公務人員能更瞭解在公務人員體系中,其必須或不得作出一定行為所受之約束。本文採取比較分析以及文獻研究方法比較分析,研究方法重點在於參考日本、德國等國家相關法律規制;文獻研究方法,包括與本研究有關的相關的法律規章,研究報告,期刊雜誌,學位論文,以及相關的論著等參考書籍與資料。 第二章公務員義務概說,探討公務員涵義、分類,公務員基礎法律關係之發展,公務員關係之成立與消滅,公務員義務之主要內涵及種類區分。 第三章公務員忠誠之義務,論述忠誠義務之意義及其特質,公務員忠誠義務之傳統觀念,公務員忠誠義務在完成兩次政黨輪替經驗,鑑於規範公務人員參與政治活動,「公務人員行政中立法」於中華民國98年6月10日制定公布,本章專節論述現代國家公務員忠誠之界限,違反忠誠義務態樣。 第四章公務員守密之義務,鑑於近年來通過多項相關法規,如「行政程序法」於88年2月3日、「檔案法」於88年12月15日制定公布、「國家機密保護法」於92年2月6日公布、「政府資訊公開法」於94年12月28日施行、「個人資料保護法」於99年5月26日總統華總一義字第 09900125121號令修正公布。本章主要論述公務員守密義務之內涵,國家機密應有之規範內容,守密義務之法規範、違反之法律責任、洩漏公務機密之原因、違反守密義務態樣,行政資訊公開與守密義務之履行。 第五章結論,對本研究進行總結分析,為未來之研究提供參考。


守密義務 忠誠義務 義務 公務員


Abstract The author has being worked as a civil servant of the Republic of China (R.O.C.) since 1984 and started to attend law studying in recent year, gradually began to be interested in the recent personnel system of R.O.C. The Civil Service Act of R.O.C. decreed on October 23rd, 1939 and rapidly became a standard law to the civil servants of the country. The paper is divided into five chapters to explore the basic requirements as a civil servant, following the central rules of a civil servant, the loyalty and confidentiality. Chapter one is mainly about the intention, goal and methods of the researching. The research takes the civil servants of R.O.C. as the object of study. Expecting to clarify the obligations of the civil servants, in order to help civil servants to understand the necessities of the constraints. The paper uses Comparative Analysis Approach and literature research methods to compare and analyze the references – civil laws from Japan and Germany. Chapter two, an introduction of the civil servant of R.O.C., including the implication and the position of being a civil servant, as well as the development of the standard laws, and the eradication of the employment. Chapter three explains the central rules of a civil servant, the loyalty and confidentiality. In this chapter, the obligations, characteristics, and the loyalty of a civil servant are being discussed. The civil servants shall be absolute neutral in political issues. The Civil Services Administrative Neutrality Act of R.O.C. decreed on June 10th, 2009. The chapter especially discusses the limits of civil services on loyalty, and those against the attitudes. Chapter four focuses on the obligations of confidentiality of the civil servants. According to recent Acts of R.O.C., such as Administrative Procedure Act (decreed on February 3rd, 1999), Archives Act (decreed on December 15th, 1999), The Classified National Security Information Protection Act (decreed on February 6th, 2003), Governmental Information Act (decreed on December 28th, 2005), and the Personal Data Protection Act Amendment decreed on May 26th, 2010, etc., the civil servants have the obligations of confidentiality for absolute; the civil servants shall obey the normative contents of the Acts. Chapter five, as a summary, clearly concludes the research, as a reference for further research.


吳庚,重建公務員關係法理基礎,法令月刊 第四十卷 第八期,頁3(1989)。


