  • 學位論文


The loci of positive and negative compatibility effect

指導教授 : 趙軒甫


過去對於遮蔽促發典範中的一致性效果有三種不同的解釋架構。自我抑制假說與遮蔽物引發抑制假說主張正向與負向一致性效果來自於動作層次。物件更新假說則主張正向與負向一致性效果來自於促發項與遮蔽物之間知覺交互作用後產物所致,即此假說主張一致性效果來自於知覺層次。但目前三種假說均只能部份解釋一致性效果的現象,且均忽略了促發項與目標物之間知覺相似性可能造成的影響。故本研究提出一致性效果為作用於知覺與動作兩層次力量加成後的現象,且知覺層次的力量由促發項與目標物之間知覺相似性所產生,並進行四個實驗驗證。實驗一藉由操弄遮蔽物相關性與呈現時差發現,一致性效果確實有可能受到上述兩層次力量影響的可能,且來自知覺層次的力量是由促發項與目標物之間知覺相似性所提供。實驗二藉由延長呈現時差發現,一致性效果隨呈現時差成 U 型曲線變化,此可能為來自動作層次力量影響的證據。實驗三與實驗四則進一步探討促發項與目標物之間知覺相似性在一致性效果中所扮演的角色。結果顯示,促發項不符合作業設定時,可影響一致性效果,另外,破壞了知覺相似性後,正向一致性效果減弱但卻不影響負向一致性效果。綜合以上研究結果,促進力量來自於知覺與動作層次,而僅動作層次提供了抑制的力量。


動作系統 一致性 知覺 促進 抑制


Positive and negative compatibility effect, in the masked priming paradigm, had been discovered over ten years, but the locus of them still remaining debated. Self-inhibition and mask-triggered inhibition hypothesis assume that compatibility effects reflect activation and inhibition from our motor system. Object-updating hypothesis propose that compatibility effects come from perceptual level, which is the perception interaction of prime and mask. But, all of these hypotheses cannot provide fully explanation and they have never taken the similarity between prime and target into account. Perhaps, the compatibility effects located at the perceptual level, and the motor level as well. The main goal of the present study was to investigate the loci of the positve and negative compatibility effect. The results of experiment 1 and 2 showed the possibility of that compatibility effects may arise from perceptual and motor level. Besides, the perceptual influence was the result of perceptual similarity between prime and target. In the experiment 3 and 4, as disrupted the similarity between prime and target, the positive compatibility effect became smaller but it had no impact on negative compatibility effect. These findings suggest that compatibility effects are the phenomenon, which reflect not only motor activation and inhibition, but also facilitation from perceptual processing.


compatibility motor system perception inhibition facilitation


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