  • 學位論文


Minimizing makespan subject to minimize total absolute deviation of completion time in an identical parallel machine system

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧


本研究針對等效平行機台(Identical Parallel Machine)在TADC (Total Absolute Deviation of Completion time)最小下使最大完工時間最小的雙目標問題加以探討。TADC為一種完成時間變異問題的衡量。本研究先提出最佳解求解方式來求得TADC在等效平行機台最小的最佳解,再利用BIP數學模式來最小化最大完工時間。透過模擬實驗分析此求解方式之求解效率,模擬中最大環境工作數量200個,機台30台,最佳解的平均求解時間約229.1秒。


This study addresses the identical parallel machine scheduling problem in which makespan are minimized subject to minimize TADC, denoted as P||TADC/ΣCmax . An optimal algorithm is first proposed to solve TADC on identical parallel machine, then a binary integer programming model is developed to minimize makespan. Computational Experiments are conducted and the computation results are reported.


Scheduling Identical parallel machine TADC Makespan


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