  • 學位論文


How to Improve the Service Quality of Medical Device Providers for Aesthetic Clinics in Taiwan?

指導教授 : 胡宜中


台灣自民國八十四年開辦全民健康保險後,明顯降低民眾就醫時的經濟障礙,有效提升國人的醫療權益,實現「平等就醫,全民共享」的目標,同時也將台灣整體的醫療技術提升至更高水準,並帶動醫藥產業的蓬勃發展。同時間許多歐美日等先進國家的醫療器材業者,紛紛引進高科技及創新的醫療設備、器材及療程技術等產品至國內,帶動國內醫療產業蓬勃發展及進步。但隨著健保財務狀況逐年吃緊與總額預算的支付制度實施下,直接影響了醫療服務產業甚鉅,而國內的進口醫療設備器材供應商也相對面臨重大衝擊。醫療產業界為求生存與轉型機會,從民國九十七年開始,有越來越多的業者投入醫美產業的自費市場,相對帶動醫美器材供應商引進新穎的醫美設備器材提供國內醫美診所使用,呈現百家爭鳴與意圖主導消費市場地位的新一波競爭態勢。當醫美器材供應商思考如何在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出,不走價格戰的不歸路時,供應商提供的服務品質優劣,將會是影響顧客對醫美器材設備採購時具決定性的因素。 本研究採用PZB服務品質衡量模式為基礎,透過德爾菲法訪談業界專家先進,以建立適用於國內醫學美容器材供應商服務品質之研究架構,並運用以決策實驗室法為基礎的網路分析程序法,針對醫美診所、皮膚科診所及醫院醫美中心的設備使用者對醫美器材供應商服務品質評估之問卷資料進行分析,期望透過分析準則間相互影響之關係,得出提升服務品質的關鍵因素,做為醫美器材供應商經營層增強競爭優勢的策略參考,以提升企業附加價值。 研究結果顯示,「服務人員口碑」、「專業服務水準」、「服務信賴度」、「企業形象」、「安心信賴的服務」、「互動及雙向溝通能力」、「服務熱忱」、「主動關懷顧客需求」及「設備功能滿意」是影響醫美器材供應商服務品質的關鍵準則,且因果圖顯示欲有效改善關鍵因素之績效,可以考慮由準則「專業服務水準」或「服務信賴度」開始著手,其中專業服務水準屬「因」類指標,服務信賴度屬「果」類指標,因此由「專業服務水準」開始著手改善較為合宜,在實務上亦屬合理。 本研究將應持續保持之關鍵準則列為供應商的優勢,應極需改善者列為劣勢,結合外部所面臨的機會(醫美需求多樣性及醫美潮流話題性),以及威脅(市場競爭、設備妥善率的維持及顧客申訴),進行SWOT交叉分析,具體提出各關鍵準則的改善策略。研究結果有助於醫美器材供應商掌握影響其服務品質的關鍵因素與改善策略,力求提升競爭優勢。


Since the establishment of National Health Insurance in 1984, Taiwan has significantly reduced the economic barriers to medical treatment, effectively promoted the medical interests of the people, and achieved the goal of "equal medical treatment and sharing the whole people". It raises Taiwan's overall healthcare quality and medical technology to higher standards, also promotes the domestic medical industry to flourish and progress. But facing the possible bankruptcy of public health insurance, the direct impact on the healthcare industry is huge, and the medical device providers are also facing a major challenge in business development. For survival and further transformation, more and more practitioners start to run the aesthetics service business, and it causes many medical device providers introduce more innovative medical equipment and excellent services to provide the domestic aesthetic clinics for the use of new business model. Based on the PZB service quality measurement model, this study has interviewed the industry experts through the Delphi method to establish a research framework suitable for the service quality of the domestic medical device providers. Through the ANP analysis program based on the DEMATEL method, this study tries to look for the improvement of service quality key factors from the medical device providers and let the medical clinics, dermatology clinics and hospital medical beauty centers understand the benefits of service quality assessments, to help them easily purchase good products for the aesthetic treatment services. Through the questionnaire data analysis, we expect the management layer of medical device providers to enhance the competitive business plans, proper strategies, value-added policies, and no price war strategies for the enterprises further development. The results show that "public praise of service staff", "professional service standards", "service trust", "corporate image", "service trust with ease", "interactive communication skills", "service enthusiasm", "active care customer satisfaction" and "product function satisfaction" are the key criteria that affect the quality of service for the medical device providers. It also shows the performance of the key factors can be effectively improved by considering the criteria for "professional service" or "service trust". It is reasonable to proceed from the "professional service standards" to improve the quality of services. This study will focus on the key criteria and use the SWOT analysis method to identify and analyze the company’s strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats sections. Through this analysis, the research will specifically propose immediate action plans to improve the service quality for the medical device providers. The results, hopefully, will help the medical device providers master the key factors affecting the service quality, improving the competition strategy, and enhancing the competitive advantage.


