  • 學位論文


Development of 3D Model Based Definition for the Slide Design

指導教授 : 鍾文仁


隨著電腦輔助設計(Computer-aided Design, CAD)的成熟,產品設計從早期的手工製圖,演變至現今的3D建模,而3D模型雖能較直接地表達產品幾何特徵的資訊,卻不能表達非幾何特徵的訊息,所以在產品設計過程中,3D模型一直為輔助設計的角色。隨著基於模型定義(Model Based Definition, MBD)技術的發展,CAD軟體開發將製造和設計資訊直接定義到產品的3D模型上的功能,改變了傳統的製造方法;MBD定義的產品模型不僅包含了產品的幾何特徵資訊,還包含原來定義在2D工程圖中的尺寸、公差及設計資訊等標註訊息,所以3D模型在未來將取代傳統的2D工程圖,成為產品設計和製造資訊傳遞的唯一工具。 因此,本研究基於MBD技術的概念對3D模型定義進行研究,開發滑軌設計引導系統,利用Creo Parametric軟體與網路技術的整合,及其二次開發工具,將產品資訊儲存於樣本檔中,使用參數控制其變化成所需之型號,有效減化產品開發過程及時間,並將產品資訊儲於模型內上;另外,本研究開發尺寸標註功能,簡化標註的步驟,幫助使用者將尺寸及公差快速建立在3D模型上,而透過本研究之系統,能夠節省70%之滑軌產品模型建立時間及50%之尺寸標註時間,並達到MBD技術的目的。


With the development of Computer - aided Design (CAD), the product design evolved from manual mapping to today's 3D modeling. While the 3D model is able to display the geometric characteristics directly, non-geometric features cannot show properly. Therefore, in the product design process, 3D model is the role of auxiliary design. With the development of Model Based Definition (MBD) technology, CAD software has developed adding the defined manufacturing and design information directly to the 3D model, changing the traditional manufacturing method. MBD model not only contains the geometric feature information also contains the information such as dimensions, tolerances and design information so that the 3D model will replace the traditional 2D drawings in the future and become the only tool for product design and manufacturing information delivery. This study is based on the concept of MBD technology to develop a slide design navigating system. Using software - Creo Parametric and network technology and its secondary development tools to store product information in the sample file. Using the parameters to change features for the required model, effectively reduce the product development process and time. Also, the study develop a function - dimension-labeled to simplify the labeling step which help users quickly build the size and tolerance. Through the study, the system can save 70% of the model building time and 50% of the dimension labeling time for slide product and achieve the purpose of MBD technology.


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