  • 學位論文


To probe current dispute resolution system of financial consumer protection law—centered on viewing and act-comparing between cases of Japan and our country

指導教授 : 陳乃瑜


本文研究的主題在於我國金融ADR近年發展與評議中心制度之探討,在現行金融消費者保護法施行前,金融監督管理委員會修正金融服務業法草案,在金融商品銷售及說明義務方面,明定金融服務業從事金融商品銷售之推介時,應確保其適當性,但因為其只是自律規範而並沒有類似於民法的法律效果,因此有了金融消費者保護法的產生,以期能確實保護弱勢的金融消費者。 我國金融消費者保護法於2011年12月30日施行,立法的架構主要分成兩個部份,其ㄧ是實體規範的部份,對於較常有爭議的廣告招攬、適合性原則、據實說明義務有明文化的規定,給予消費者充分的保護;其二是程序的部份,提供金融消費爭議處理的機制,並以此為法源成立了評議中心,提供訴訟外的救濟管道,在金消法施行前,金融消費者相較於業者劣勢之處在於未有充分的法源依據,以及訴訟資源及知識上的不足,而金融消費者保護法的出現,期望能解決消費者所面臨的困境。 多數學說都肯定金融消費者保護法的制定,但畢竟公布施行時間尚短,仍相當有改進的餘地,有學說就認為實體規範之構成要件不夠明確,且評議制度對於金融服務業者拘束力薄弱,僅是改善建議的爭議處理機制而已,因此,分析外國的立法制度並與我國的實務及學說見解相比較是本文主要的研究目標,並且以日本法為根基,研究金融法制規範體系及所催生的紛爭解決機制相關運作,並提出一個結論建構明確的金融商品銷售規範是可以實行的改善方向。


The main course of this thesis is to explore recent development of financial Alternative Dispute Resolution and system of ombudsman institution of our country,before deployment of current Financial Protect Consumer Act ,Financial Supervisory Commission had due revised relavent Draft Financial Service Act. with financial products selling and duty to disclose of reference financial products,specified clearly that on promoting financial products all financial service industry should keep it's suitability , however in practical stand point, Draft Financial Service Act.as a draft stands no legal basis but a self-restrain format,and therefore, for the purpose to protect inadvantaged financial consumers ,there established Financial Protect Consumer Act. Financial Protect Consumer Act.started effective on December 30th 2011,the framework separates into 2 catagories,one is for entity specification,as advertising to attract that led to disputes, principle of suitability,and duty to disclose ,all with clear description in words so to take full protrctions to the consumers.Second is for Procedures,which confirms mechanics to resolve fnancial disputes, and base on this article found financial ombudsman institution who offers second resolution other than lawsuit.Before activating of Financial Protect Consumer Act. , financial consumers are comparatively weaker group as no legal basis and resources furhtermore lack of professional knowledge.with emerges of Financial Protect Consumer Act. , financial consumers are expectfully to resolve these uneven situations. Most of the scholars gave a positive gesture to Financial Protect Consumer Act.yet,actural execute time is too short, some theory feel the entity specification part still need to be more concrete than what it is now.also ombudsman institution has no compulsory restriction to financial service industry and is usually reconized as a recommendation.So then,the main purpose and passion of my thesis is to analyze foreign relevant legislation processes or theories to compare with our practical opperations and theories. besides,base on Japanese Law,research on our financial law specific systems and it's dispute resolution mechanism so to conclude in a apparent direction for the comming reform or improvement.


