  • 學位論文

金屬工藝產業微型創業成功關鍵因素_以 FAHP 之研究

A Study of Key Success Factors in Metal Craft Business - FAHP Approach

指導教授 : 劉立倫


近年來,由於台灣的文創產業日益蓬模的發展,許多早期的傳統工藝憑藉著新創意以及新技術有了一番新的發展與市場,本文所研究的對象-金屬工藝源自於我國傳統的金銀細工,在傳統技藝與文創的相結合下,金屬工藝產業有了新的發展,但也同是面臨挑戰。 文創金屬工藝新創業者,與台灣其他中小企業新創業者一樣,在創業第一年面臨著有6成以上的失敗率。金屬工藝在產品具有高單價以及保值性上的特色,因此新創業者在企業成立後企業的對外關鍵活動中,行銷通路的選擇佔有重要的影響因素;此外原料成本易受到市場波動的影響下,成本的控管也是業者需關注的因素之一。 本研究主要探討,在商業模式之中,有哪些因素是金屬工藝新創業者應注意的影響因素。


Recently, the cultural and creative industries in Taiwan have improved gradually. Many of the traditional crafts depend on new technology and creative have new development and market. The objective of the research is traditional metal craft in our culture, also known as origin orfevrerie. As the traditional technology combines with creative, the metal craft industries are becoming the new development but also facing challenges. The new companies of metal crafts in cultural and creative industries are similar to the other SMEs in Taiwan. Every year, there is over sixty percent of failure for the new entrepreneurs for their first year. The marketing is important factor for opening a new business because the products are expensive and hard to lower the price. As a result, the cost control which can be easily affected by market volatility is mainly focused by the business owner. In this research, the main focus is on different kinds of factor in business model that need to be aware of by metal craft entrepreneurs.


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