  • 學位論文


Application of jQuery on ASP.Net and SharePoint


在這個網路蓬勃發展的時代,我們需要更多有別於以往的物件來裝飾我們的網站,而jQuery是屬於JavaScript的一個函式庫,它簡化了HTML屬性的存取使用以及事件的處理,也將JavaScript和CSS及HTML做整合,使得jQuery在大部分瀏覽器上的相容性大大的提高。jQuery也可以製作出不輸Flash的動畫效果,使得網頁變得更加生動且絢麗。 jQuery主要的核心功能是在DOM文件上的操作,包含選取元素方面,可以非常自由而且簡單的去控制網頁元素,再將選取的元素做出一些動態的功能。除此之外jQuery還加強了AJAX和事件的功能,讓我們可以輕易的掌控遠端文件和事件。 在本文中,我們實驗了jQuery的一些基本的動態功能,並將jQuery應用在ASP.Net上,使得網頁的元素不再只是死板的呈現在網頁上,我們可以控制元素呈現的方式以及它的速度,在加上一些CSS屬性的變化,就會使整個網頁感覺動了起來。最後我們會再將jQuery與Microsoft Office SharePoint Server做整合。一般而言ASP.Net程式可以與Microsoft Office SharePoint Server做結合,因此我們希望也能將jQuery的動態效果一併帶入SharePoint中,使得SharePoint的介面看起來更多元。


On most web sites that we access every day, a large amount of functions are done through the use of JavaScript. It is common knowledge that although learning JavaScript may not be hard at first, using JavaScript fluently is another story. Implementing a dynamic web site with JavaScript may be harder than most people think. In recent years, a very well-know jQuery has become more and more popular among web designers. Not only can jQuery simplify the process of adapting the use of JavaScript in our design, it can bring new features into our design with less effort. For this reason, we begin by experimenting how we can adopt the use of ASP .Net web sites. Based on the test result, we proceed to test the use of jQuery in Microsoft’s SharePoint Server. SharePoint Server is a leading brand of enterprise information portal products. By integrating jQuery with SharePoint Server, we can provide a more dynamic user interface to users and improve the overall collaboration experience. One of our main emphases is to integrate jQuery with SharePoint’s data store so that users can easily maintain his or her content and at the same time, enjoy a rich user interface during the whole process of using SharePoint Server’s web service.


SharePoint Server jQuery ASP .Net JavaScript


[8] Signature Pad • Lab • Thomas J Bradley
[5] Randy Drisgill, John Ross, Jacob J. Sanford, Paul Stubbs, Larry
[3] Earle Castledine and Craig Sharkie,
Kenneth Schaefer,


黃聖成(2013)。SharePoint jQuery程式開發〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300449
