  • 學位論文


A Study on Present Situation Investigation and Construction of Students’ Core Competence Indicators at Universities in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃坤錦


學生核心能力指標是近年來在教育部的推動下,是我國各大專院校所極力推行發展的重要計畫之一。受到金融風暴及少子化等社會現象影響,學生數量銳減及失業率高居不下的今天,學生能力品質的重要更為教育部及整個社會文化所重視,大學入學門檻越來越低,但是高學歷卻伴隨高失業率,各校各領域所培育的專業人士,應保有各校的特色及素養堅持,不應為了招生而降低門檻標準,核心能力指標通常具有學校特色。 本研究旨在探討我國大學生核心能力指標之現況,並透過文獻蒐集與問卷調查,探討各人員類別之間看法的差異情形。以九十九學年度第二學期之參與教育部教學卓越計畫的大專院校中,核心能力指標發展趨近成熟或已完成階段十二間學校,393位行政及240位教學人員和2820位大學在學生為研究樣本,編制「大學生核心能力指標現況調查問卷」為研究工具,共回收有效問卷1930份,將有效回收問卷資料以描述性統計、t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,得到結論如下: 一、大學教師普遍知悉核心能力指標制度並認為現行大學生具備能力者不多。 二、我國大學生認為核心能力為就業必要條件但普遍認為本身能力尚有不足。 三、不同職務身份的大學教師在「了解核心能力」、「知覺與課程相關」及「檢核學生達到程 度」上有顯著差異。 四、不同背景變項之我國大學生在了解核心能力指標程度上有顯著差異。 五、不同背景變項之我國大學生在知覺核心能力指標與系所課程關連程度上有顯著差異。 六、不同背景變項之我國大學生在認為核心能力指標與將來就業關聯程度上有顯著差異。 七、不同背景變項之我國大學生在自我檢核核心能力指標達到程度上有顯著差異。 依據上述結論,本研究提出若干建議供有關單位之參考。


能力指標 核心能力 指標 能力


Recently, core competences indicator of students is one of important plan in Taiwan’s university was set into motion by Ministry of Education. Today, the trend towards fewer children and financial meltdown caused fewer and fewer students and high unemployment rate, students’ ability of quality was valued by Ministry of Education and whole society. There’s lower and lower standard to get into a good university, however, the phenomenon goes with high financial meltdown. These universities should cultivate their own professional personage with unique distinguishing feature and strict standard. They shouldn’t lower it in order to enroll new students. The core competences indicator always establish with special points of one school. The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of core competency indicator within students of university in Taiwan through the way of literature collection and questionnaire survey with the different background variables of several statuses (the dean of academic affairs, chief of college, chairman, professor and undergraduate student). The twelve universities which developed well core competency indicator in the project of Ministry of Education, named Program for promoting Teaching Excellence of universities, subjects were stratified random sampling of 393 administrators(the dean of academic affairs, chief of college, chairman), 240 professors and 2820 under-graduate students in the period of second semester in 2010. The valid samples were 1930 by the scale of core competency indicator of university students. All data collected were analyzed by the method of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one –way ANOVA. The major findings are as followings: 1. The professors generally know core competency indicator in university and most of them think less of their students already have them. 2. The undergraduate students realize core competency indicators are important to them in their future job but they also think they are lack of them. 3. There were significant differences in different statuses of people in university about their opinions of the connection with core competency indicator and curriculum, understanding and judge their students if they with the indicators. 4. There were significant differences in different background variables of students about their opinions in understanding core competency ability. 5. There were significant differences in different background variables of students about their opinions in the connection with core competency indicator and the curriculum. 6. There were significant differences in different background variables of students about their opinions in the connection with core competency indicator and their future job. 7. There were significant differences in different background variables of students about their opinions in judge themselves if they with the ability.


