  • 學位論文


Study on the Governance of Agricultural Biotechnology from the Perspective of Participatory Citizenship

指導教授 : 李崇僖


發展無遠弗屆且迅速之生物科技,除了為社會帶來福利之外,也引發了相當爭議,基因改造科技興起後,更能觀察到科技、社會與道德等之間所產生的衝突,特別是農業生技應用領域中,攸關基因改造作物的部分。 本文蒐集相關文獻後,以「歷史分析法」整理有關農業生物技術在基因改造技術部分之發展,說明各國農業生物技術政策趨勢、法規範及科技事務組織;以「調查法」了解我國現行社運組織針對基因作物的相關看法及行動;以「比較法」將各國與我國相關經驗比較其異同之處。 以往「科技治理」慣由科學家自律或政府規範之方式進行,然而在科技變化迅速的時代下,該治理方式時有追趕不及之處,對此,除了以政府及科學家參與為治理核心外,是否可能引入公民或公民團體參與治理過程,以更完善科技治理?本文觀察科技發展先進國家,如:美、英、德、日等國各有何規範,並整理其科技政策之發展趨勢,及相關科技組織事務如何參與科技決策協助治理,藉此了解各國的科技決策機制是否有不同於以往的治理方式,並提供我國在未來規劃科技決策機制時,能往更完善與適當的方向邁進。 總體而言,目前各國政策趨勢如下:美國為產品取向的管理模式;英國關注科技過程面;德國則著重政治控制的計畫層面;日本關注消費者對農業生技產品之接受度及產業發展;而我國則循民主轉型脈絡發展。有關科技決策機制納入公民參與可能性之觀察,本文得出結論為,丹麥已將公民參與之治理方式納入政府體制內,且研發出數十種公民參與方法;而其他國家則非於政府體制內,且多半由科學社群推動或協助公民參與討論。了解國外之科技決策機制後,可知目前科技治理已趨向多元化。至於我國雖有公民參與決策之經驗,惟科學社群仍鮮少參與,本文建議我國之科學社群應主動提供所學,增強民眾參與科技決策討論的能力,提升公民參與科技決策討論之品質及有效性。


With the rapid and unlimited development of biotechnology, it makes the life better, but also causes rising debates. Following the growth of genetic modified technology, there are more conflicts with technology, society and ethic. That can be clearly observed on the field of agricultural biotechnology, especially on the GM crops. Technology governance is usually administered by scientists and government. Nonetheless, the technology governance based on that way usually is insufficient for the rapid changing of technology. After gathering some opinions, we start to consider if citizens and citizen groups could participate in the process of the technology governance? This way may advance our governance more complete and more efficiency. The study tries to find other way of technology governance; hence that refers to some developed country, such as: United States, Britain, Germany, and Japan. What are their regulations, their technological policies, and their technology organizations? By studying these experiences, the study will show an alternative way of technology decision-making. On the whole, the study shows there are different technology policies in the particular national framing. In the United States, the policy is emphasized on the stream of products; in the UK, it was discussed with the technological process; in Germany, it is stressed as a political control of the program level; in Japan, it is considered with the acceptance of the consumer and the development of the industry. As to our country, it should be considered in the context of democracy transforming process. The study discovers that there are diverse ways of technology governance now. According the circumstance of the citizens and the citizen groups participate in technology governance, the study shows that all countries don’t adopt this way in government system but Denmark. Denmark explores tens of participatory models. In other countries, the scientific associations play the very important role leading some debates in the process of technological decision-making. However, this seems to be exactly the most problematic part in our country.


