  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship among CPAs' Auditing Tenure,Industry Specialization, Industry Experience and Stock Return Volatility

指導教授 : 張慧珊


長期以來股票報酬波動性一直是經濟學者關心的議題,投資人經由檢視財務報表資訊,了解公司之營運狀況,以作出投資決策,從而影響股票報酬的波動。過去文獻中在檢視股票報酬波動性之影響因子時,少有學者探討會計師審計任期、產業專精程度對於股票報酬波動性之關聯。本研究審視此二因素對於台灣資本市場上市櫃公司之股票報酬波動性之影響。此外,本研究亦另額外探討產業經驗此一審計特性對於股票報酬波動性的效果。   本文以2005至2015年間所有上市櫃公司為研究對象,探討會計師審計任期、產業專精程度及產業經驗多寡對於公司股票報酬波動性之影響。實證結果顯示,會計師的審計任期、產業專精及產業經驗皆分別與股票報酬波動性呈負向顯著,即: 1.企業所聘請之會計師其審計任期越長,財務報表品質增加,降低投資人對於企業未來獲利能力之不確定性,進而降低股票報酬波動性。 2.企業任用之會計師其產業程度越高,對該產業特性越深入了解,引導審計品質提升,股票報酬波動性較小。 3.企業所選任之會計師具備豐富的產業經驗,以在該產業多年服務累積之下的經驗,有效地執行審計工作,提高財務報表品質,降低投資者與公司間的資訊不對稱,從而減緩股票報酬波動性。 4.考量會計師任期與產業專精及產業經驗之交互影響,當企業所聘請之會計師審計任期越長,其產業專精程度與產業經驗多寡對於股票報酬波動性無顯著額外影響。


Over the years, economists have demonstrated great concerns about the topic of stock return volatility. Investors know about the company's operating conditions by viewing the information of financial statements to make investment decisions, thus affects the stock return volatility. Previous literatures have examined the influencing factors of stock return volatility, however, few literature has discussed the effects of CPAs' auditing tenure and levels of industry specialization upon stock return volatility. The study in addition examines the effect of industry experience on the volatility of stock return.  In this study, we explore all listed companies in Taiwan from 2005 to 2015 to investigate the impact of the CPAs' auditing tenure, the degree of industry specialization and the level of industry experience on the volatility of stock return. The empirical results show that the impact of CPAs' audit tenure, industry specialization, and industry experience upon the stock return volatility are significantly negative, which are summarized as follows: 1. Longer CPAs' auditing tenure results in lower volatility of stock return. 2. The higher degree of industry specialization, the less the volatility of stock return. 3. Auditors with more industry experience can have a mitigating effect on corporations’ stock return volatility. 4. Considering the interacting effects of CPA’s audit tenure, industry specialization, and industry experience, in the capital market of Taiwan, the level of auditors’ industry specialization or industry experience has no significant mitigating effects upon the impact of audit tenure on stock return volatility.


