  • 學位論文


A Study on Systematic Checkist for the Results of Detailed Design of Public-owned Buildings


現行公有建築物興建支出日趨龐大,佔政府預算重要比例,並且供公眾使用,關係公共安全、民眾福祉等。但實際上公有建築物細部設計之細部設計成果圖說,工程主辦機關或專案管理單位常因人力缺乏、經驗不足或時效急迫性,莫不以傳統封閉式之檢核表,進行主觀式認定,且檢核表之架構系統多屬個人或機關經驗之累積列舉式,缺乏整體性考量,且無更新機制等,造成設計品質不易掌握,亟待改進。 本研究首先透過文獻探討,分析目前檢核表作業規定、問題缺失等,以及研究公部門與民間工程公司檢核表執行現況,研擬出檢核表架構A版本。另採用營建署之細部審查意見表試行版,作為實驗工具,驗證及修正架構A版本之缺點後,重新建構出架構B版本。再由蒐集50件建築工程實例,檢證、評估架構B版本之合理性與實用性。並以案例中之檢核意見,回饋架構B版之第五層「檢核項目」內容,修正完成架構系統B版本作業,提出細部設計成果圖說檢核表架構系統「完整版」之方案。研究結果證實; 一、「完整版」之檢核架構系統,層級層次分明,架構明確,拋棄以個人經驗或機關文化之疊床架屋或以偏概全之傳統檢核表格式。 二、檢核表不偏失檢核種類,依細部成果輸出規定內容,建構出一套完整檢核體系。 三、檢核表之檢核項目或內容,具有更新機制之彈性策略。 最後,本研究再以50件工程實例所得之檢核缺失意見,統計出「檢核次項」彼此權重比例關係,設計與發展出不同檢核架構系統之「進階版」與「簡易版」之版本,建構完成一整套之檢核表架構系統。


The cost to construct a public-owned building is immense and often accounts for a large portion of government budgets. As the name suggests, a public-owned building is constructed for the public, and therefore the safety and welfare of the public are at stake. However in practice, the agencies in charge of the construction or project management are often forced to perform subjective determination on the results of detailed design of a public-owned building project with the traditional closed-form checklist due to the lack of manpower, experience or time. The structure of the checklist is mostly is a list of items to be checked based on the experience of the agencies or several individuals. There is the lack of consideration as a whole and updating mechanism, resulting in fluctuating design quality that requires improvement. The study started with review of previous literatures. The checklist was developed by studying the structure of existing checklists, problems found and how similar checklists were executed by governmental sector and private contractors. The trial version of the detailed design review survey developed by the Construction and Planning Agency was introduced as experimental tool to verify and revise the flaws in version A and develop version B. Then, data were collected from 50 construction projects to examine and evaluate the reasonability and practicality of version B. The comments given to these collected projects were entered in level 5 “examination items” of version B to complete the structure system of version B and propose a “complete version” of the results of detailed design checklist. The study results verified that: 1. The “complete version” of the checklist structure was established with well-defined levels and specific structure, as opposed to the traditional checklists that were developed with redundant levels or biased concepts and based on personal experience or agency culture. 2. The checklist is not partial to certain categories of items, as a complete checking system was developed based on the output requirements for detailed design. 3. Flexible strategy for updating mechanism is provided for the items or contents of the checklist. Finally, the category of “examination sub-items” was developed based on the flaws and comments of the 50 projects collected and an “advanced version” and a “simplified version” of the checklist were established according to the weights and proportions of the sub-items. Thus, a full package of checklist structure system was accomplished.


1. 行政院公共工程委員會 (2001),《各機關辦理公有建築物作業手冊》,台北。
2. 洪俊生 (2007),〈公有建築工程專案管理研究〉,成功大學建築研究所碩士論文。
3. 行政院公共工程委員會 (2011),《公共工程生命週期管控機制參考手冊》,台北。
4. 陳柏宏 (2007),〈公共工程設計品質管理制度與設計審查機制之研究〉,臺灣科技大學營建工程系碩士論文。
5. 行政院公共工程委員會 (2010),《提升非工程人員工程管理訓練班教材》,台北。


