  • 學位論文


The Study of Influence on Learning Motivation and Science Learning Effect Applying Interactive Whiteboard in Elementary Science Curriculum

指導教授 : 張世忠


摘要 本研究的主要目的是應用互動式電子白板融入自然教學探討能否造成自然 學習成就與學習動機的差異,受試樣本為桃園縣某國小六年級學生共38 人,一 班為電子白板教學,一班為一般傳統教學(不使用互動式電子白板),採用準實驗 研究不等組前後測設計,進行為期八週的自然與生活科技領域實驗課程。實驗教 學過程配合國小自然與生活科技領域牛頓出版社第八冊課本內容實施,經由研究 者自編教材及融合廠商電子光碟進行教學。 探討二種不同的教學方式對於學童的自然與生活科技學習動機是否有明顯 差異,並進行互動式電子白板意見調查表,藉由量化資料加以分析並調查學童對 於互動式電子白板融入自然科教學的反應。再從實驗組學生中,全班進行半結構 式訪談問卷,進行深入訪談,以瞭解其對使用互動式電子白板融入自然與生活科 技領域教學之意見。茲將本研究所發現結論歸納如下: 一、自然學習動機 1. 經使用互動式電子白板進行教學後,學習者的學習動總分進步但未達顯 著差異。 2. 經使用互動式電子白板進行教學後,學習者的學環境誘因之動機分項有 顯著提升。 3.在教學環境誘因中 (1)互動式電子白板可以很清晰的展示課程概念,吸引學生注意 (2)教師能靈活運用教學方法、教材內容呈現方式豐富多元 (3)能激發學生對學習的積極態度,激起學生彼此間學習的鷹架,提供了學 生同儕間互動的最佳平台。 (4)教學工具方便實用,且能有良好互動並增進主動學習 二、自然學習成就 使用互動式電子白板進行教學與傳統講授教學對學習者的學習成就平均總 分有提高但提升狀況沒有顯著差異。 (1)能幫助學生了解及釐清自然科概念。 (2)能提升學生互動的質與量,及能主動嘗試或挑戰自然,並主動採取一些學習 策略,建構新的知識。 (3)節省板書抄寫時間,有更多的時間可以跟同學講解題目的概念,又可重複展 示不懂概念 最後,根據研究結果,提出幾項建議做為自然教學及未來進一步研究的參考。 1. 研究對象的延伸 2. 增加研究向度 3在教學時加入不同學習機制促 進教室中不同行為模式的學習。


Abstract The main purpose of this study is the application of interactive whiteboards into the nature classes to explore the possibility of cause natural learning achievement and motivation to learn the difference between the test sample of the Taoyuan County sixth grade students in 38 people, a group whiteboard teaching, a group of traditional teaching (do not use interactive whiteboards), nonequivalent group pretest and posttest quasi-experimental research design, an eight-week experiment of nature and life science and technology courses. The experimental teaching process with the elementary Nature and Life Technology Newton Press eighth volumes of textbooks to the implementation of teaching through the researchers of their own teaching materials and the integration of vendor electronic CD. Explore two kinds of different teaching methods motivation to learn whether there are significant differences for students 'science and life technology, and thus conducted an interactive whiteboard Opinion Survey table to be analyzed by quantitative data and surveys on students' interactive whiteboard into science teaching response. From the experimental group students, the class conducted semi-structured interview questionnaire, in-depth interviews in order to understand its views on the use of interactive whiteboards into teaching in the field of science and life technology. The Institute found that the conclusions are summarized as follows: 一、 motivation in science learning An interactive whiteboard teaching, the learners move to score progress, but not a significant difference. 1. An interactive whiteboard teaching, the learners move to score progress but not significant difference. 2.By the use of interactive whiteboards for teaching, the breakdown of the incentive motivation of the learners' learning environment Significantly enhanced. 3. In the teaching environment incentives (1) The interactive whiteboard can be a very clear display of curriculum concepts, to attract students' attention (2) teachers' flexible use of teaching methods, teaching materials rich and diverse presentation III (3) can stimulate a positive attitude of the students in learning, sparking learning in students between the scaffolding to provide the best platform for students to interact with peers. (4) teaching tool, convenient and practical and have a good interaction and to promote active learning 二、achievement in science learning The use of interactive whiteboards for teaching and taught teaching on learners' achievements, the average score improve but to enhance situation there is no significant difference. (1) can help students understand and clarify science concepts. (2) can improve the quality and quantity of student interaction, and can take the initiative to try to challenge nature and take the initiative to take some learning strategies to construct new knowledge. (3) save the writing on the blackboard copying time, more time with students to explain the concept of the subject, but also to repeat the show do not understand the concept of Finally, according to study results presented several recommendations as a natural teaching and for further research. 1. An object of study an extension of 2. increase the research dimension 3. Teaching to different learning mechanisms to promote different patterns of behavior in the classroom learning.




張素貞(2015)。互動式電子白板教學對國小高年級兒童 在資訊學習轉移成效之研究〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2207201512551900
