  • 學位論文

電致可逆交聯高分子之合成、性質 與應用研究

Synthesis, properties and application of electrically-induced reversibly crosslinked polymers

指導教授 : 劉英麟


本論文利用具有電化學性質之二茂鐵甲酸(Fc-COOH)與β-環糊精(β-CD)形成主客錯合物,且可使用通電的方式將主客錯合物脫附分離,因而利用此方式發展出一種電致可逆交聯高分子。使用聚甲基丙烯酸縮水甘油酯(Polyglycidyl methacrylate)(PGMA)之環氧基團與二茂鐵甲酸(Ferrocene carboxylic acid)(Fc-COOH)接枝,合成出含有二茂鐵側基的高分子(PGMA-Fc)為客體分子(guest);而主體分子(host)為帶有兩個β-CD分子的化合物(β-CD-HDI-β-CD)。將主客兩種分子交聯後形成錯合物,塗佈至銅箔以及矽晶片上利用通電的方式,使主客錯合物脫附,形成可逆交聯系統,並將之應用於自修復材料的研究。 再者,以氫氣電漿改質具有孔隙之聚四氟乙烯薄膜Poly(tetrafluoroethylene)(PTFE)後,進行原子轉移自由基聚合法(ATRP),使高分子客體接枝聚合在薄膜表面上,形成e-PTFE-g-PGMA-Fc,之後再將含有客體分子之薄膜浸泡至主體分子溶液中,形成薄膜表面接枝主客交聯錯合物的(PTFE-g-PGMA-Fc/β-CD-HDI-β-CD)。同時利用通電的方式將主客兩者解交聯,觀察其薄膜表面形態以及結構分析,並應用於蛋白質脫附的研究。


This work reports the synthesis of host-guest inclusion-complex using Ferrocene carboxylic acid (Fc-COOH) and -cyclodextrin (beta-CD). The guest polymer, poly(glycidyl methacrylate)-ferrocene (PGMA-Fc), was synthesized from reaction of epoxy group of PGMA and Fc-COOH, and the host molecule beta-CD-HDI-beta-CD contains two beta-CD groups. After the crosslinking reaction between the host and guest, the polymer is coated on copper foil or silica wafer. The electrochemical property of Fc-COOH allows desorption of the inclusion body by electrification, forming a reversible crosslink system, which can be applied in self-healing materials. The guest polymer grafted poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE), is also synthesized. After hydrogen plasma treatment on e-PTFE membrane, PGMA was grafted onto membrane through surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Fc-COOH is then grafted through the ring-opening reaction of the e-PTFE-g-PGMA, forming a guest membrane, e-PTFE-g-PGMA-Fc. The membrane is then soaked into host aqueous solution to obtain the host-guest membrane, e-PTFE-g-PGMA-Fc/beta-CD-HDI-beta-CD. The structure and morphology of membrane surface after electrification induced desorption of inclusion body are investigated. This membrane is also applied in the study of protein desorption.


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