  • 學位論文


The Study of Yuen-Chen Yu, an Architect in Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾光宗


摘 要 本研究以台灣戰後建築師虞曰鎮為研究對象,內容首先回顧近代中國建築教育發展的歷史過程,並將焦點放置在研究對象的學校建築教育,以及建築事務所師徒制教育的影響。其次,針對其戰後在台灣的作品進行分析,理解建築理論和社會經濟狀態與作品的對應關係。而本研討探討的目的乃彙整虞曰鎮相關史料,以建築教育養成、建築風格思潮、建築活動等層面,探討並歸納虞曰鎮之建築生涯;分析當時建築思潮對其建築創作之影響;並發掘建築師虞曰鎮在台灣戰後建築師之定位及重要性,以作為文化資產保存價值之一。研究上進行文獻之搜集、實地勘查與口述資料結合後,建立出建築師虞曰鎮與時代的關係,本文分析結果如下: 一、 建築師虞曰鎮在正基建築工業補習學校的教育養成以職業建築技術為主,乃為教授建築工程知識為目的的中等技術學校。在鄔達克建築師事務所的經驗多屬於建築實務的學習,另外建築師虞曰鎮的現代建築概念,即可能來自於童寯和華蓋建築事務所的教育養成。 二、 虞曰鎮在台灣1949年至1964年間,其設計作品多與現代建築相關連,創作元素多圍繞著當時的世界建築思潮,受柯比意與與密斯兩位建築大師的影響。另外建築教育與創辦建築系,成為虞曰鎮日後建築生涯的重責。 三、 虞曰鎮在台灣1964年至1985年間,其住宅社區概念與土地政策的想法似乎源自於西方國家新市鎮與居住空間思潮的移植。在中國古典樣式新建築方面,則由原中華文化復興運動轉化為海外華人對家鄉的鄉愁,以及對中華文化的空間體驗。


戰後 台灣 建築師 虞曰鎮 建築教育


Abstract The subject of this study is, the Taiwanese postwar architect, Yuen-Chen Yu. The contents of this study will begin by reviewing the history of modern Chinese architectural education development, focusing on Yuen-Chen Yu’s school building education, as well as the influence of the architectural firm apprenticeship education. Additionally, the study will analyze his postwar works in Taiwan to comprehend the relationship between architectural theory and socio-economic status.The purpose of this research is to analyze Yuen-Chen Yu’s architectural career by discovering the postwar architectural education development, style, trend and other related activities, which had influenced his architectural creations enormously. Another purpose of this research is to discover his important place within the Taiwanese postwar architects and preserve it as a one of our cultural heritage. The research will start with literature review, field trips and oral interviews to analyze Yuen-Chen Yu’s works as follow: 1. Architect Yuen-Chen Yu graduated from a vocational school which offered constructional-engineering-based programs. After that he had learned practical experience from the architecture firm. Therefore, his modern concepts of architecture were developed by other education probably. 2. Yuen-Chen Yu’s designs in Taiwan from 1949 to 1964 were related to contemporary architectures especially influenced greatly by Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe. According to his learning background, the most important responsibility of Yuen-Chen Yu was the education of architecture; therefore, he had established the Department of Architecture at Chung Yung Christian University. 3. From 1964 to 1985, based on the examples of new towns and living spaces from Western Countries, Yuen-Chen Yu had proposed the concept and ideas of planned residential communities and land policies. In addition to modern architectural works, he also designed some Chinese traditional buildings overseas for expatriates, at that same time; the concept of his design was based Chinese Cultural Renaissance on releasing Chinese expatriates’ nostalgia for home and offering them spaces to experience the Chinese Culture.


Postwar Taiwan Architect Yuen-Chen Yu Architecture Education


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