  • 學位論文


Indexing and Matching Techniques for Periodic Ridesharing

指導教授 : 吳宜鴻




週期共乘 配對 索引 時間區間


Recent years, due to the convenient transportation and the popularization of private cars, the distance between company and residence has become farther. More and more people commute in daily life. Therefore, this study proposed the indexing and matching techniques for periodic ridesharing so that the long-term commuters on the same route can share rides periodically and save the traveling expenses. We designed an index structure on time intervals to record the information about periodic ridesharing. Based on the index, without checking every record, the candidates whose time intervals are qualified could be quickly found. With the candidates recorded in a time period, we employed a symmetric framework aided by the iterative matching approach to find the matches among drivers and passengers. To maximize the number of participant passengers, our approach alternately chose drivers and passengers, and each time only one of the best choices was made. Experiment results show that our approach achieved a good balance between the quality of answer and the execution time.


matching indexing time interval periodic ridesharing


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