  • 學位論文


Effect of Different Aeration Frequencies on Membrane Fouling

指導教授 : 游勝傑




PVDF UV/TiO2-membrane 積垢阻抗 PAN 曝氣頻率


The major limitation of suspended type UV/TiO2 reactor is the difficulty in separating TiO2 particles from disinfected water. Coupling the reactor with membrane process can effectively overcome this problem. However, TiO2 particles will block can cause membrane fouling. Aeration can produce shear force to clean the fouling and produce DO. In this study, membrane type (PAN and PVDF), control flux (32 and 64 LMH) and aeration frequency (1:2, 1:4, 1:9, and 2:8 ON/OFF) were studied to determine the parameter that minimized fouling and maintained good suspension. The results have shown that at 32 LMH, the aeration frequency is not important, and that PVDF has lower membrane resistance than PAN. Changing aeration frequency can effectively reduce the fouling and maintain the TiO2 suspension at 64 LMH. PAN is denser than PVDF in membrane surface. PAN has greater cake resistance than PVDF. PVDF have bigger pore size, and thus less pore-blocking occurred than PAN. Taking the economic costs into account, PVDF with 1:2 aeration frequency would be more appropriate for photoreactors.


PVDF PAN aeration frequency fouling UV/TiO2-membrane


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