  • 學位論文


A study of assembly line balancing in garment and footwear industry


成衣業及鞋業皆是即傳統又流行的產業,在國際化的環境下,競爭非常劇烈。由其是成衣與鞋業的車縫作業,需要最多的人力及物力,也是成衣業及鞋業各製程中的關鍵作業。在車縫作業中進行生產線平衡規劃,其目的在於妥善指派工序至各工作站,使工作站中之機台能執行所分派之工序,並平衡各工作站的工作負荷。由於生產線平衡問題屬於NP-hard問題,因此,對於成衣及鞋業車縫作業中具複雜的先行作業關係而言,啟發式演算法能在合理時間內求得近似最佳解。 本論文主要發展鞋業及成衣業之生產線平衡系統,應用基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)及群組基因演算法(Grouping Genetic Algorithm,GGA)開發啟發式演算法。本研究共分五個部份,首先分別應用GA及GGA發展成衣業車縫線之生產線平衡演算法,並評估GA及GGA求解之績效。第二,考量員工技能等級與員工效率,提出改善後之生產線平衡演算法,並應用於成衣業車縫線。第三,提出包含二階段模組(最小工作站模組及生產線平衡模組)之生產線平衡演算法,應用於鞋業之針車線。第四,針對生產線平衡型三問題,改善生產線平衡模組,使其可於工作站中進行多人工安排。第五,針對生產線平衡型一問題,改善最小工作站模組並發展人員指派模組,使其可於工作站中進行多人工安排。本研究以實際之成衣業及鞋業生產數據來驗證所發展之生產線平衡系統之績效。由實驗結果得知,本研究所發展之生產線平衡系統,是有效求解生產線平衡問題的方法。


Garment manufacturing and footwear manufacturing are traditional and fashion industries, that are globally competitive and customer centric. The most critical operation process is sewing (also called stitching), as it generally involves a great number of manual operations. The aim of assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) in sewing lines is to assign task to the workstations in order that the machines of the workstations can perform the assigned tasks with a balanced loading. ALBP is known as an NP-hard problem. Thus, the heuristic methodology could be a better way to solve ALBP in sewing lines within a reasonable time. This thesis develops a line balancing system for garment and footwear manufacturing industries. Genetic algorithm (GA) and grouping genetic algorithm (GGA) are applied to develop heuristics in the proposed line balancing system. There are five parts in this research. First, a line balancing algorithm using GA and GGA is developed for a sewing line in apparel industry. Second, the line balancing algorithm is improved by considering labor skill level and efficiency. Third, a line balancing algorithm with two modules (minimization of the number of workstations module and workload balance module) is developed for footwear industry. Fourth, the workload balance module is improved to deal with multi-operator assignment in a workstation and more tests of type-III ALBP are conducted. Fifth, the operator assignment module is developed to handle multi-operator assignment. It also combines with the minimization of the number of workstations module to deal with type-I ALBP. Data from real garment manufacturing and footwear manufacturing factories are used to verify the performance of the proposed line balancing system. The computational results reveal the effectiveness of line balancing system in solving ALBP.


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