  • 學位論文


A Study on Decision of Negotiation Types and Processes-Potential Value of Social Transaction and Potential Value of Economic Transaction Perspectives

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


本研究旨在探討談判決策類型與過程之研究,交易雙方在談判時不只會考慮交易事物「事」,也會考慮交易對象「人」,本研究以社會交易潛在價值(PVST)和經濟交易潛在價值(PVET)所表現出的交易權衡模式,把個人區分為準經濟人與準社會人兩種不同類型的人,本研究旨在分析談判雙方如何討價還價達成交易的過程,特別重視二位體(Dyad)的觀念,根據準經濟人決策權衡模式與準社會人決策權衡模式的組合區分出準經濟人與準經濟人的二位體談判決策類型(A-1類型);準社會人與準社會人的二位體談判決策類型(A-2類型);準經濟人與準社會人二位體談判決策類型等三種不同的類型(B類型)。 本研究透過三種不同類型以定性研究的正式理論法依據不同的區域、不同的達成交易的意願、不同的起始點、不同的先發動者、不同的達成交易情況進行邏輯推演分析,來探討社會交易潛在價值(PVST)和經濟交易潛在價值(PVET)在談判決策過程如何運用。 本研究進一步以邏輯推演方式將上述不同情況下的談判決策過程一一分析,根據上述每一種不同情況,談判決策過程都不相同,本研究所重視的是其談判決策過程的概念,當了解到雙方是位於什麼談判決策類型下、雙方在談判前的起始點在何區域、雙方的談判意願是如何、誰先發動、如何達成交易等的整體性的作法,談判決策時在不同情況下有不同PVST和PVET運作過程,當談判者了解整個談判雙方的情況才能針對對方作出最佳的談判決策,在談判決策過程中,如何讓雙方較容易接受這次交易、如何引誘對方出手,都可透過這整體性的概念去做分析。


The purpose of this research is to discuss the decision of negotiation types and processes. The conponents of the decision-making of each transaction include "the counterpart" and "the deal". The Potential Value of Social Transaction (PVST) and The Potential Value of Economic Transaction (PVET) can distinguish between the "quasi-economic man" and the "quasi-social man", two different types of psychological construction. This research makes a point of dyad according to a quasi-economic man and a quasi-social man which can distinguish among three different dyadic decisions of negotiation types:the dyadic decision of negotiation type between a quasi-economic man and a quasi-economic man, the dyadic decision of negotiation type between a quasi-social man and a quasi-social man, and the dyadic decision of negotiation type between a quasi-economic man and a quasi-social man. Through three different decisions of negotiation types, this research, via qualitative researches, uses formal theory that depends on different areas, different willings, different start points, different avant-couriers, and different transaction situations to logically reason the decision of negotiation processes and to further discuss how PVST and PVET operate in the decision of negotiation. By logically reasoning, this research further describes the decision of negotiation processes in different situations step by step. According to different situations that are mentioned above, each situation has a difference process. What this research focuses on is the concept of the process of bargaining the decision-making. Though this research we can understand what situation we are, how to achieve transactions, and how PVST and PVET work in different situations and have different processes. Then we can do the best decision of negotiation.


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