  • 學位論文


Consumer Conformity Application for BMW Motorrad Owners Club in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱榆淨 廖本哲


在台灣,250 c.c. 以上之大型重型摩托車市場自2002年10月開放。這些車主們通常會組成“車主俱樂部”,此團體的成員為小眾且固定。目前從眾行為研究大多都是討論股市股市的從眾現象,尚無探討此種特定團體的消費行為會不會受到群體成員的影響。本論文研究旨在探討BMW Motorrad 重型機車車主俱樂部會員從眾行為對人身部品購買決策影響,以Lascu及Zinkhan在1999年提出用在行銷領域的從眾行為模型做為本研究架構的理論基礎,探討個人特性、群體特性、品牌特性及工作/情境特性對從眾行為與對人身部品購買決策之影響是否有顯著性。本論文且依兩位學者建議的實務應用,亦再探討從眾行為是否會受廠商推廣管理所干擾。 本研究以BMW Motorrad 重型機車車主俱樂部會員為研究對象,以問卷調查進行實證分析,共發放了200份問卷,刪除無效問卷後共計回收163份問卷,所歸納出的結論如下: 一、車主俱樂部會員之基本屬性及其人身部品消費屬性對於從眾行為沒有顯著影響,即車主俱樂部會員之基本屬性及其人身部品消費屬性並不會影響從眾行為。 二、由典型相關分析結果來看,個人特性、群體特性及工作/情境特性對從眾行為皆為顯著影響,亦即Lascu and Zinkhan(1999)整理影響從眾行為的四個特性於本研究中僅「品牌特性」未獲得支持。 三、「規範性從眾行為」對「同儕影響購買意願」、「意見領袖影響購買意願」、「多人購買過的經驗」皆呈「同向」且密切的影響。即BMW摩托車俱樂部車主們,非常會受到「同儕」、「意見領袖」及「多人購買過的經驗」的影響,而且其影響程度高低的排序分別為「同儕」、「意見領袖」及「多人購買過的經驗」。 四、由推廣管理之於“四個從眾行為影響因素構面對從眾行為”干擾之典型相關分析結果來看,從眾行為會受廠商推廣管理所干擾。


The present study aims to explore the effect of herd/conformity behavior of BMW Motorrad owner’s club members as specific group, in view of the facts: firstly, the existing studies on herd/conformity behavior have long focused on the conformity phenomenon in securities market but never on the possible influence to specific group’s consumer behavior from the group members; secondly, Taiwan sees the rise of a specific and stable niche group in the form of “owner’s club” of 250cc plus capacity heavy-duty motorcycles ever since the approval of open market for heavy-duty motorcycles in October 2002. The study pinpoints in particular the behavior’s influence to purchase decision making on rider equipment, adapts “conformity behavior model in marketing domain” presented by Lascu & Zinkhan, 1999, as the theoretical foundation for the framework of the present study, and explores the influence of personal characteristics, group characteristics, brand characteristics, and task/situation characteristics to herd/conformity behavior and to purchase decision making of rider equipment respectively; and furthermore clarifies if the said influence relationships will be interfered by manufacturer’s promotion management. The present study adapts members of BMW Motorrad owner’s club as target subjects and implements empirical analysis with questionnaire survey in which 200 copies of questionnaire were distributed and 163 copies returned collected, and the study finds the conclusions as follows: 1. The basic attribute and the rider equipment consumer attribute of BMW Motorrad owner’s club members: show no significant influence at all, that is, the basic attribute and the rider equipment consumer attribute of BMW Motorrad owner’s club members does not influence conformity behavior. 2. In terms of canonical correlation analysis results: among the personal characteristics, group characteristics, and task/situation characteristics, all demonstrates significant influence to herd/conformity behavior, that is, in the present study only brand characteristics among the four influencing factors sorted out by Lascu and Zinkhan (1999) is not significant. 3. In terms of normative influence on consumer’s behavior: the results demonstrate “unidirectional” and intertwined influence to “peers’ influence to purchase intentions” “opinion leader’s influence to purchase intentions” and “many purchaser’s purchase experiences”. That is, BMW Motorrad owner’s club members are often influenced by “peers”, “Opinion leaders” and “many purchasers’ purchase experiences” and the influence amplitudes comes in the strength order of “peers”, “Opinion leaders” and “many purchasers’ purchase experiences”. 4. In terms of the results of canonical correlation analysis on the interference of promotion management to “the facet of the four factors influencing conformity behavior”, conformity behavior is subject to the interference of manufacturer’s promotion management.


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