  • 學位論文


A Study on Feasibility Analysis of Long-term Care Traffic Information Systems in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳若暉


近年來世界各國逐漸邁入高齡社會,其中臺灣人口結構老化速度相較各國來得快,僅需在6年將達到超高齡社會標準,2025年臺灣老年人口占比將超過20%,平均每5位青壯年須負擔1位65歲以上的老人,大幅提高臺灣失能人口,使長期照顧需要隨之增加,且就醫、復健等交通需求也將增加。然而,偏遠地區的身障者由於政府資源有限、用車時間沒有辦法集中,導致業者在區域調度較困難;針對地方政府之復康巴士,部分B等級之身障者可能較特A等級更有行動之需求,但卻往往訂不到車,皆為現有長照交通服務面臨之問題。如何重新檢討既有的E化經營管理制度,讓有限的資源滿足更多有需要無障礙交通運輸服務的使用者,同時讓車輛最有效的利用,以達節能減碳之效益。 本研究目的在於探討利用E化管理發揮全台長照交通之績效,透過分析有提供無障礙計程車服務之業者自身核心優勢與利基市場,進而找出無障礙接送服務系統成功發展的影響因素,並進一步透過標竿案例訪談,提出一套無障礙接送服務系統,以提供業者建立無障礙接送服務系統之核心競爭力與成功獲利的關鍵成功要素。 本研究依據研究成果發現,提出有助於無障礙接送服務資訊系統發展成功獲利模式的關鍵成功因素如下:1.預約搭乘之便利性,與縮短等待時間。2.跨區域服務客製化。3.無障礙接送作業流程優化。此外,本研究提出四大無障礙接送服務資訊系統之關鍵功能:1.乘客身份認證,2.即時排班系統,3.出勤軌跡紀錄,4.開放API介接


Countries around the world in recent years gradually into the senile society, of which was Taiwan's population aging speed faster than countries must only in six years to reach the ultra - social standard, the elderly population in Taiwan than in 2025 will exceed 20%, on average every five young adults must afford more than 1, 65 - year - old old man, a substantial increase in population of Taiwan's disability, make the long-term care needs will increase, and medical care, rehabilitation, such as traffic demand will also increase. However, due to limited government resources and limited vehicle time for disabled people in remote areas, it is difficult for operators to make regional dispatching. For local government rehabilitation buses, some class B disabled people may have more demand than class A disabled people, but they are often unable to get to the bus, which is A problem faced by the existing long-scheduled transport services. How to re-examine the existing e-management system so that the limited resources can meet the needs of more users of barrier-free transport services and the most efficient use of vehicles so as to achieve the efficiency of energy saving and carbon reduction? Purpose of this study is to A Study on Feasibility Analysis of Long-term Care Traffic Information Systems in Taiwan, through the analysis of the accessible taxi service industry has its core advantage and niche market, and then find the barrier-free transportation service system, the influence factors of successful development, and further through the standard case interview, put forward a set of barrier-free transport service system, to provide companies establish barrier-free transport service system of the core competitiveness and success the key success factors of profit. Based on the results of the study, the key success factors for the development of a successful profit model for the barrier-free pick-up service information system are as follows: 1. 2. Cross-regional service customization. 3. Optimization of barrier-free pickup operation process. In addition, this study proposes four key functions of the information system for barrier-free pick-up services: 1. Passenger identification; 2. Real-time scheduling system; 3. Attendance tracking; 4. Open API interface.


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