  • 學位論文

N, N-二乙基乙醇胺/二乙烯三胺水溶液吸收二氧化碳之平衡溶解度量測研究

Equilibrium Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous N, N - Diethylethanolamine with Diethylenetriamine Solutions

指導教授 : 李夢輝


因近年來全球暖化問題嚴重,大氣中的CO2必須加以補捉。本研究為量測CO2吸收劑,工業中以氣液平衡系統基礎數據最為重要,故本實驗研究了吸收劑在氣液平衡系統中反應情況。研究中量測了二氧化碳在三級醇胺(N, N - 二乙基乙醇胺)與多元胺(二乙烯三胺)混合水溶液中的氣液平衡溶解度數據,研究量測之雙成份系統濃度為: 20 wt%、30 wt%及40 wt% N, N - diethylethanolamine (DEEA ) + H2O;三成分系統濃度為: 10 wt% DEEA + 30 wt% diethylenetriamine (DETA)、20 wt% DEEA + 20 wt% DETA及30 wt% DEEA + 10 wt% DETA。溫度皆控制在40、60與80 ºC;二氧化碳分壓則控制在範圍0.1 ~ 1000 kPa。 所得之氣液平衡數據是使用由Shen and Li改良Kent and Eisenberg所提出之熱力學模式而得出。經計算結果後雙成份系統與三成份系統所得平均誤差分別為11.8% and 10.8%。本研究結果可用為以DEEA / DETA為吸收二氧化碳吸收劑之基本數據,以發展符合節能、經濟效益之捕捉二氧化碳吸收程序。




Because the global warming is getting harder and harder, most of people want to solve this problem. Vapor liquid equilibrium is the common thing that use in the industry. In this study, the equilibrium solubility of CO2 in binary systems [ N, N - diethylethanolamine (DEEA) + H2O ] and ternary systems [ DEEA + diethylenetriamine (DETA) + H2O ] were measured at 40, 60 and 80 ℃ and pressures are from 0.1 to 1000 kPa. A vapor recirculation equilibrium cell was used. The systems studied are: binary systems (20 wt%, 30 wt% and 40 wt% DEEA); ternary systems (10 wt% DEEA + 30 wt% DETA, 20 wt% DEEA + 20 wt% DETA and 30 wt% DEEA + 10 wt% DETA). The solubility data of CO2 (in terms of loading) were correlated the CO2 partial pressure, temperature, and solute (DEEA and DEEA/DETA) concentration by modified KentEisenberg model. Results showed that the experimental data were satisfactorily represented by the applied model with acceptable absolute average deviations (AAD%) of 11.8% and 10.8% for the binary and ternary systems, respectively. The solubility data obtained in this work can be used in the CO2 absorption processes design calculation, which aqueous DEEA and aqueous DEEA + DETA as CO2 absorbents.


solubility, carbon dioxide


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