  • 學位論文


Effects of traumatic experiences and social reaction on PTSD and PTG in battered women

指導教授 : 洪福建


研究背景與目的:親密關係暴力問題日趨嚴重,除了造成婦女身體損傷之外,亦會造成多種負向心理問題。雖然諸多研究已證實社會支持可緩衝創傷造成的影響,然近年來研究發現社會支持有效與否,需仰賴於他人聆聽時給予的社會反應。故本研究旨在探討受暴婦女與親友創傷揭露後,親友的社會反應如何影響受暴婦女的心理健康。 研究方法:本研究採橫斷式研究設計,蒐集20歲-65歲向社會局或機構求助之受暴婦女,共計104名。研究工具為基本資料表、親密關係暴力量表、社會反應量表、創傷後壓力診斷量表、創傷後成長量表、憂鬱症狀量表。 研究結果:以變異數分析、相關分析、階層迴歸分析進行資料分析發現:(1)心理暴力可顯著預測創傷後壓力症候群;(2)親密關係暴力對創傷後壓力症候群有強烈的直接效果,難以透過創傷揭露及社會反應中介其影響;(3)親密關係暴力的創傷揭露與社會反應對於創傷後成長為部分中介之影響。 結論:當親友在面對受暴婦女時,首先須留意其身心健康,必要時須協助其就醫,改善其心理問題與症狀後,才能進一步協助其有更良好的適應。當受暴婦女向親友揭露創傷經驗時,若其不斷反芻親密暴力事件,親友可適時轉移其注意力,並且提供情緒支持及實際援助等正向反應,或許能增加其創傷後成長之可能性。


Background and purpose:Intimate partner violence increasingly serious, in addition to causing physical injury, also cause negative psychological problems. Although many studies have demonstrated social support can buffer the impact of trauma, recent studies found that social support effective or not, need to rely on social reaction . Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the self-disclosure of battered women , the impact of Family and Friends' Reactions on the battered women’s psychological health. Methods:This study is based on cross sectional design. The sample consisted of 104 women who ranged in age from 20 to 65 recruited from domestic violence shelter or community agency. The instruments are the basic information questionnaire, Intimate partner violence questionnaire, Social reactions questionnaire, Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale, Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory Ⅱ. Results:Analyzed through Pearson product-moment correlation, the analysis of difference, multiple regression analysis found that: (1) Psychological IPV can significantly predict PTSD;(2)IPV against PTSD have a strong direct effect, the social reaction can’t be participate in the mediation;(3)The role of social reaction in mediating the PTG of IPV. Conclusion:When relatives and friends in the face of battered women, the first thing must pay attention to their health, so that assist them have more good adaptation. When battered women revealed the traumatic experience to friends and relatives, friends and relatives can be a timely transfer its attention from IPV, and provide emotional support and practical assistance forward reaction, may be able to increase their PTG.


Intimate partner violence Social reaction PTSD PTG


沈慶鴻(2001)。婚姻暴力案主諮商治療因素之探究. 彰化師大輔導學報, (22), 157-191.


