  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Integrating Virtual Reality Video into Teaching Chinese as a Second Language on Festival Topics

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


雖然在臺灣以華語作為第二語言教學已發展五、六十年了,然而,使用現代技術的教學方式仍然值得發展探究。節慶,可說是經常在第二語言課堂中教授的文化內容,因此仍然需要更多經過編輯,符合第二語言課堂使用的節慶文化教材。此外,21世紀的學習需求講究識讀多元媒體的技能。因此本研究以虛擬實境遊戲軟體《模擬市民三》所製作之影片為端午節節慶教學素材,進行探索性研究。 本研究以在臺灣的軍官班華語文化課程為研究標的,探討在軍官班學生節慶單元的文化課程中,融入模擬市民節慶教學影片的教學具體設計、適當定位,以及學習滿意度。使用ADDIE系統化教學設計保障教學品質。進而以此,佐以雙因子理論作為學習滿意度調查的基礎。 研究參與者為外籍軍官班學生。量化問卷為研究工具之一,有效樣本數為27份。問卷使用描述性統計與推論統計方法分析;質性資料則使用開放性編碼就浮現主題分析資料。所有研究資料以三角驗證的混合方法檢核與分析。 研究結果其一為使用ADDIE系統化教學設計出「模擬市民影片融入端午節課程」;學後滿意度調查與質化資料的驗證結果方面,有如下發現:一、軍官班學生對於模擬市民影片融入端午節文化課反應正面,最滿意的面向是「教師教學與教學實施」;二、學生是士官或是軍官以及年齡背景都沒有滿意度上的差異,於推廣使用上有利;三、影響「學習成果」的最重要因素為「教師教學與教學實施」;四、若是端午節模擬市民影片引起了學生興趣,不表示能幫助學會端午節文化習俗,需其他教學因素配合,且要在「觀看模擬市民影片能滿足學習需求」的基礎上;五、融入模擬市民影片能增加整體課程的學習滿意度,而整體課程的學習滿意度與學會端午節文化習俗具有相關性。而模擬市民影片與一般影片的區隔在於模擬市民影片較一般影片更具有製作省錢、省時、省力的優點。


Albeit Chinese as a Second Language has been developed for over fifty years in Taiwan, there is still a paucity of studies on ways of teaching adopting modern technology. On the other hand, “Festival” is arguably one of the frequently taught topics in a second language classroom. Hence, there is growing needs for more edited, suitable and adequate teaching materials on festival topics. Besides, education in 21st century put more emphasis on multiliteracies. Based on aforementioned background, the present study is an exploratory study that focuses on a teaching material of Dragon Boat Festival produced with virtual reality game “The Sims 3”. Aiming at a cultural curriculum provided for foreign military personnel in Taiwan, the study discussed target students’ learning satisfaction of integrating The Sims video of Dragon Boat Festival, and the concrete design of the curriculum. The study also explored the appropriate position of the video in the classroom and in the field. Theoretically, the investigation was based on instructional systems design paradigm, ADDIE, to establish the quality foundation of the curriculum and validity of questionnaire. The effective questionnaires were 27 out of 28 foreign military personnel student participants in Taiwan. A questionnaire is one of the research instruments. It was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics; the study adopted open-coding as strategies to examine the emerging categories of qualitative data. All research data was analyzed and validated through triangulation of mixed research. One of the results was “The Sims video integrated Dragon Boat Festival curriculum” designed by using ADDIE. Based on the data, the study has the following results. First, the students hold positive attitude toward The Sims video integration of Dragon Boat Festival curriculum. The “teachers and teaching implementation” has the highest satisfaction among others. Second, there is no significant difference of satisfaction between cadet and officer, as well as thress different age groups. This is a niche for extension of video application. Third, the most important factor that influences “learning result” is “teachers and teaching implementation”. Fourth, catching learners’ attention with The Sims video does not mean learners learned and acquired the culture of dragon boat festival. It requires other teaching encompassment and should be constructed on the foundation of “watching The Sims video can satisfy learning needs.” Fifth, integrating The Sims video can elevate learning satisfaction of overall curriculum. And learning satisfaction of overall curriculum is correlates to “learned and acquired the culture of dragon boat festival” of the students. As of comparison of The Sims video and general videos, The Sims video holds the advantages of money-saving, time-saving and labor-saving over the general video.




