  • 學位論文


The effect of force enslaving and movement-related cortical potential associated with increment and decrement of finger force production

指導教授 : 王士豪


本研究探討在相等力量變化率之下,針對力量的上升與下降進行力量誤差(force error)與牽制力量(enslaving effect)在不同手指之間的關係與腦波分析。實驗對象為17 名大學學生,針對右手各手指施力後於特定力量變化率之等長收縮增減控制。每組實驗均共有四段力量分期,依施力時間順序分別為力量上升期(ramp)、第一段力量維持期(static1)、力量轉換期(transition)與第二段力量維持期(static2)。而在力量轉換當中針對受測者力量進行上升(increment)與下降(decrement)的行為控制。 研究結果發現在力量轉換期當中,各手指中仍以食指的誤差最小,獨立性最高;無名指的誤差最大,依賴性最高。並且發現在力量下降期的力量誤差與牽制力量皆高於力量上升期。而無論在力量上升期或下降期中,主要施力手指之鄰指亦出現較高的牽制力量。腦波結果方面,在力量轉換期當中,平均腦波放電量在各手指中以食指有較大的腦波放電量,無名指的放電量則較低。本研究依據不同力量分期就腦波區分六個時間成分(BP, MP, MMPramp, MMPstatic1,MMPtransition, MMPstatic2)進行統計分析後發現,在力量轉換期當中,力量下降期腦波放電量較力量上升期高,說明以相等的力量變化率之下,大腦於力量下降期中有較多的放電量,顯示在下降期需要更多的力量控制,才能使力量趨於穩定,因而使得各指的力量誤差與牽制效應在力量下降期皆高於力量上升期。而由於在力量上升期與下降期當中以食指的準確性、獨立性與腦波放電量較高,無名指則較低,說明各手指之間仍以相同機制進行力量遞增與遞減的控制特性。


力量轉換 牽制力量 手指 腦波


In this research we used constant rate of force development (RFD), focusing on both force error and enslaving effect associated with different fingers and cortical activities during increment as well as decrement of force. Experimental subjects were 17 college students. They were instructed to use four fingers of right hand to produce force on specific patterns of force. Subjects were produce four force phases with 1s interval duration which were ramp phase, first static phase, transition phase and second static phase (2s), respectively. Behaviorally, the index finger revealed the least force error and force enslaving whereas the ring finger represented the most in the force transition phase. The AVOVA indicated that there were significant effects during force decrement phase for both the force error and enslaving than those of force increment phase for all fingers. Not surprisingly, larger enslaving effect was found on the finger directly adjacent to the master finger for both force increment and decrement phases. In terms of EEG results, the index finger revealed larger movement-related cortical potential (MRCP) whereas the ring finger displayed lower for both force increment and decrement phases. For the six components of MRCP (BP, MP, MMPramp, MMPstatic1, MMPtransition, MMPstatic2), the ANOVA indicated a significant main effect of force transition, higher amplitude of MRCP was found in the force decrement. Providing with the same RFD, due to the fact that higher amplitudes of MRCP in the force decrement, the results suggested more force control stability needed. On the other hand, force error, enslaving effect and the amplitude of MRCP in force decrement phase were pronounced than those of in force increment phase in each finger. Moreover, the result also indicated the index finger with less force error, less dependent and larger MRCP amplitudes, and reversing for the ring finger in both force increment and force decrement. Providing the behavioral and cortical data, the control characteristic for both force increment and force decrement demonstrated the task-specific mechanisms among four fingers.


EEG force transition finger enslaving force


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