  • 學位論文


A Research on the Spatial Formation of Taiwanese Aborigine`s Residence —The Case of Bunun and Atayal Tribe at Ren-Ai Country in Nantou County

指導教授 : 朱政德


摘 要 台灣原住民傳統住宅文化,自日治時期至今已停滯了六十年以上,加上歷經九二一大地震,將大多數的原住民傳統住宅給吞噬,至今在各村中也所剩無幾。故若之後想要實際體驗與接觸原住民的傳統住宅,將更加困難。目前針對台灣原住民傳統住宅之相關研究,主要皆根據日治時期之日本學者所測繪之圖面與調查報告作為基礎資料,但本研究發現日治時期的文獻案例中尚有不足之處。 故本研究試圖以「海拔高度」與「地域性」作為研究的視點,並從中建立「垂直」與「水平」面向的分析,透過「單一族群」與「雙族群」間探討其原住民傳統住宅,是否受「海拔高度」及「地域性」之影響,藉以瞭解影響原住民傳統住宅之空間構成的影響因素;同時,配合原住民居住環境現況調查,使用「文獻回顧法」與「田野調查法」進行分析,其研究成果如下: 一、將原住民傳統住宅文獻案例之空間構成予以類型化,並定義為五大類(1建築型式、2入口型式、3開窗數、4寢台之接續關係、5附屬空間的接續關係)。 二、在單一族群內與雙族群間之傳統住宅皆受不同海拔高度與地域性的影響而有所不同。 三、發現於南投縣仁愛鄉內的萬豐村、盧山村、中正村及親愛村等四村中所測繪之樣板屋皆與原傳統住宅有很大的落差。 四、目前原住民傳統住宅確實失去原有的特色風格,所見皆是已嚴重「漢化」的現代原住民住宅。


Abstract The purpose of this article is to investigate the evolution of single-race and dual-race tribes in Taiwan, which follows points of vertical and horizontal analysis. This will be accomplished by researching factors of altitude and regionalization. Because of the damage caused to Aborigine residences by the 921 earthquake, most of the affected indigenous inhabitants still face certain social barriers today. Colonized by Japanese government, Taiwanese aborigines were forced to abandon many aspects their cultures, as well as their residences. According to present day research, there is a lack of Japanese record concerning Taiwanese Aboriginal Residence Space. Meanwhile, Modern Aboriginal Residences have been forced to practice a Chinese culture that is not their own, and have consequentially become disparate to important traditional Taiwanese customs. The research will outline the altitude and regionalization of Taiwanese Aboriginal Space, and how these factors affect the indigenous cultures on the island of Taiwan. The methods of analysis are Research Review and Field Study Approach, the results are as follow: 1. According to present day researches, this paper redefined the spatial formation in Aboriginal Residences and classified them into five sections as below: 1.architecture form 2.enterence form 3.the number of windows 4.the connection between bunks 5. the connection with subsidiary. 2. The Aboriginal Residences, both in one and two ethnic groups, did not be influenced by the altitude and regionalization. 3. The prototype houses, which are located in Nantou County, have some remarkable discrepancies in original Aboriginal Residences. 4. The Aboriginal Residences’ characteristics have been lost in recent years due to the modern residents have adapted into Han,s culture.


關華山(2002),〈布農族傳統家屋的構成與意義〉,住宅學報 第十一卷第二期:頁121-158。
—以苗栗「好客屋」設計操作課題為例〉中華民國建築學會「建築學報」第60 期:頁227–246。


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