  • 學位論文


The Competitiveness and Strategy Analysis of Taiwan's TFT-LCD Industry

指導教授 : 陳建良


近年來平面顯示器產業在亞洲一直不斷的蓬勃發展,特別是在台灣,韓國及日本等三個國家。除了半導體產業外,面板顯示產業不到10年就已成為台灣第二個兆元產業。到2008年為止,平面顯示器產業總產值更高達1.64兆新台幣。因此確保台灣在平面顯示器產業的競爭力將至為重要。 比較台、日、韓三國的面板業發展,可以發現有著顯著的差異,包括關鍵技術的取得、公司財務實力與領導者經營模式、政府決策與扶植政策等等;而這些因素造成最深遠的影響,就是該國面板公司的獲利能力與競爭力的差異;在2008年及2009年全球仍面臨經濟衰退的影響當中,韓國兩大面板公司從2008年的虧損狀況,率先其他面板同業於2009年於第二季順利轉虧為盈,這樣的經營績效確實直得其他面板競爭者思考與效法。 台灣的面板廠自1998年中華映管引進三菱的面板技術開始,正式進入大尺寸面板的時代,多家公司也從此加入這個產業。十年以來面板產業歷經幾波景氣循環,以及數次的合併與策略聯盟,如今已經可以大致看出各面板公司競爭優勢與劣勢。 本研究乃針對台灣最大兩家面板廠友達與奇美,以及急起直追的中華映管、瀚宇彩晶、群創乃至元大等面板公司擬出未來發展策略。另外,中國大陸自2002年開始進入大尺寸面板的生產,在2008年-2009年全球經濟衰退的當下,中國大陸挾其廣大內需及深厚外匯存底的實力,目前正扮演協助全球經濟復甦的火車頭角色,而面板產業正是大陸當局列為重點發展的產業之ㄧ,故本研究亦對台灣與中國大陸雙方在面板業如何取得互補以及是否有合作的契機進行探討。 由於面板的生產過程涵蓋薄膜及黃光兩大製程,故面板廠投資生產薄膜太陽能電池與觸控面板兩種產品皆是目前被熱烈討論的議題;如果現行的面板廠能夠利用現有的產能,製造大面積、透明且能源轉換效率高的太陽能電池產品,則勢必為台灣的TFT-LCD廠帶來更多商機與擴充性。


Flat Panel Display (FPD) industry has been booming in Asia, especially in Taiwan, Korea and Japan. It becomes Taiwan’s second trillion-industry in less than ten years, in addition to semiconductor industry. By 2008, the total value of Flat Panel Display industry in Taiwan reached 1.64 trillion NTD. It is very important for Taiwan to be competitive in FPD industry. There exist significant differences among FPD’s major players, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, including: acquisition of key-technology, financial strength, business model, government support, and development policy, …, etc. These factors significantly impact the profitability and competitiveness of the companies in these countries. In the global economy crisis in 2008 and 2009, two of the largest Korean panel companies turned a loss in 2008 to profit in 2009, showing a good reference model for competitors to follow. In 1998, CPT imported the technology from Mitsubishi and started a new era of the large-size panel technology in Taiwan. Several companies entered this industry since then. After experiencing several business cycles and mergence/alliance, each of these companies has its competition advantages and disadvantages. This study develops future strategies for Taiwan’s two largest companies AUO and CMO, as well as backend suppliers such as CPT, HSDC, Innolux, PVI and TPO. China started to produce large-size panel from 2002. During the economy crisis in 2008 to 2009, China played a significant role in global economy recovery based on its expanding domestic market and high foreign exchange reserves. FPD industry is one of the key industries strongly supported by China government. Thus, this study also discusses the possible collaboration between China and Taiwan governments in FPD industry. As the panel production includes TFT and Photo processes, the investment of Thin Film Solar Cell and Touch Panel has become hot topics. If current panel makers were able to produce large-sized and transparent solar cell product with high energy conversion efficiency, it will help FDP industry to open a new market for further expansion.


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