  • 學位論文


Female Mobility Behind the Lens: How Females Control Space through Mobility in Movies

指導教授 : 陳其澎


流動不僅是人類生存與社會存在的基本現象,亦是在全球化趨勢下的社會走向;擁有空間即握有權力的模式已漸趨改變, 現今社會中,流動能力的高低儼然與握有社會權力大小成正比,亦對應於掌握空間的能力;在過去,缺乏主動流動能力的女性,才符合當時社會規範中應有的女性角色,而這樣的主流價值也伴隨著大環境的變遷而開始被鬆動。 電影記錄人類歷史以及再現人類活動場域,反映出百年來的人們都市生活空間與經驗,可使觀者跨越時空界線,透過影像的流動而對過去、現在及未來的環境有另一面向的解讀;相較於以往的女性研究直接以實質環境作為研究對象,本研究乃以經由電影作者觀察生活環境後,設定觀看角度而運鏡下的女性,重新審視實質環境的女性。 本研究以數部大眾較為熟悉的電影為文本,以故事中的女性身體經驗為導向,透過女性在影像中的流動,探討電影場景中,女性身體不同方式的流動軌跡,從被動模式到主動模式的轉變,身體流動經驗的頻繁,掌握了速度與流動能力。從影像中了解女性如何隨著流動方式的演變,而開展、掌握自我空間,且與實質環境中的女性主體相互呼應;在經由電影的形式表現與身體流動空間的理論相對應之下,以期女性對流動的能力、動機、目的及結果有較深入的探討。


空間 電影 女性 身體經驗 流動


Mobility is not just the basic phenomenon of human living and society existence; it is also the social trend of globalization. Possessing the power of space has gradually changed over the years. Nowadays, the degree of mobility is directly proportional to the amount of social power one holds, which corresponds with the ability to control space. In the past, females who lack of active mobility fits in with the female character deserved in the social norm in those days, yet this type of trend also began to scatter and fall apart due to the transition of the environment. Movies record human history and recur the location of human activity events, which naturally reflects the urban living space and experience of humans since movies began developing hundreds of years ago, allowing audiences to take a ride in the time machine, through the mobility of images, to interpret another aspect of the environment in the past, today and future. However, instead of directly applying the actual environment as the target in female related researches, as done in the past, this study observes the living environment of females through the lens, therefore re-examine female in reality through comparison. This study uses the bodily experiences of females from various movies as its main aim. Through the mobility of females in images, this study explores how females change from passive to active through different modes of mobility trajectory. The frequentation of bodily mobility experiences controls the speed and mobility. In addition, through images, we comprehend how females develop and grasp their own sense of personal space with the evolution of mobility modes, and this corresponds to the topic of females in the actual environment. Furthermore, by comparing the theories of manifestation and bodily mobility space in movies, the power, motivation and results females have on mobility is thus further discussed in this study.


female space movies mobility bodily experience


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