  • 學位論文


The Mobilities of the Cultural Capital : by the case of " Temporary Exhibitions in the National Museum of History ".

指導教授 : 陳其澎


文化資本意指其包含了可以賦予權力和地位並累積文化知識的一種社會關係。自全球化的開始,所謂移動式的巡迴特展就此展開,如同社會學家Z. Bauman說的:「流動的現代性」,國家之間透過流動與鏈結使之全球化,博物館則是提供文化累積的場域亦是社會現代性的表徵。 近年來台灣社會對於文化累積的需求日以遽增,博物館的特展可謂是一種流動的文化資本累積,進而產生文化消費,由此流程更能說明特展是一種社會文化水平現代性的象徵。因財務問題與政府政策的改變,博物館轉型為以文化行銷的手法作為館務的推手,藉此因應社會環境的變動,透過媒體的合作、特展的多元項目與眾多的參觀人數,讓參觀者擁有更多的文化想像。 藉此本文以國立歷史博物館為個案研究,取自該館1997~2008年所舉辦過的特展為例,藉此發現博物館之間展覽的互動是一種跨越國界的文化累積,讓累積文化資本不再是上流階級的特權,也同時讓普羅大眾得以接觸享受。 本論文冀望透過布迪厄(P. Bourdieu)的文化資本(cultural capital)理論與流動(mobilities)論述做進一步的分析博物館之特展在整個社會結構下之轉變,從中解讀國立歷史博物館之歷次特展對於博物館的轉型及文化實踐的累積現象作探討,企圖詮釋博物館在流動資本的背景下,特展是文化資本的累積亦或是種文化消費的產物。


布迪厄 文化資本 特展 流動性


Cultural capital refers to a type of social relationship that bestows power and status upon humans and accumulates cultural knowledge. Since globalization, international travelling exhibitions have thus unfolded. As sociologists Z. Bauman said, “Mobile Modernity”; countries globalize through mobility and mutual connection, on the other hand, museums provide the location for accumulating culture, which is also the characteristic of modernity. In recent years, the need of culture accumulation has rapidly increased day by day in the Taiwan society. Temporary exhibitions are a type of mobile cultural capital accumulation, and then it leads to cultural consumption. Therefore, we can see that exhibitions are symbols of the modernity of social cultural norm. Due to the issues of financial affairs and change of government policies, museums changed their image by using culture as their renewed marketing strategy. By doing so, museums are able to fit in and adapt to the changes of the social environment through the help of the media, the diversification of exhibitions, and the amount of many visitors, thus giving visitors an even bigger cultural imagination. This study uses the National Museum of History as an individual research subject. In this research, we take the exhibitions the museum has held during 1997 to 2008 as examples to discover that the interaction between temporary exhibitions is a type of cross-border culture accumulation. Thus, the accumulated cultural capital would no longer be a privilege of the upper-class, giving the public population the opportunity to enjoy the privilege. Furthermore, through the cultural capital and mobility theories of P. Bourdieu, this study wishes to proceed to further analysis on temporary exhibitions under the transitions of the entire social structure. Therefore, we can discuss and probe into the phenomenon of museums changing their image and cultural practice accumulation caused by the many exhibitions of the National Museum of History has made in the past. In conclusion, under the background of mobile capital, temporary exhibitions are accumulations of cultural capital and also the products of cultural consumption.


